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Posts posted by 6Cowa6Bunga6

  1. so found a new bug with the stone pick. I use it often but did something different on this online server. I used a basic repair kit on it.

    After repairing it the first time, it broke after using it, but after it broke i kept on digging. without having my dig button pressed or the animation for digging for my player. 
    I continued to keep digging with the broken pick, but it showed me just standing there. if i walked around i would still keep digging. it stopped once i switch to a different tool. 
    After repairing the stone pick the second time, i though maybe itll happen again once it broken. And you know what it did. but this time i had a screen freeze and that stopped my digging. 


    This is the first time i used a basic repair kit on the stone pick. next server i join I will try to recreate this. 
    that wont be till i crush, kill, and destory everyone and everything on this server. or i get stuck in another boat :P

    Im friendly i swear


    so after killing some random person and stealing their basic repair kits i repaired my broken stone pick.
    I was able to finish my starter cave with this bug, My pick broke once again for the 3rd time from repairing it, and i kept on digging. 
    Felt like the energizer bunny. still on the same server. still using the same pick, next time i will make a new one and repair it after it breaks, 


    !Update Update!

    so made a new stone pick and broke it for the first time, kept on digging even without having to repair it. so im no longer 100% certain the basic repair kit did anything. and if it did, it started it as thats the only difference i did with the pick. 
    playing on someones server so not sure how the save file thing works

  2. i once used a ladder in a premade house and it took me to a different island to someone elses ship. I was like I struck gold. as i climb on to the ship it teleported me back to the house. 

    failed to replicate that as i wanted to loot that guys boat and maybe blow it up with gunpowder kegs, sadly i later died by a panther as i only has a straw skirt on 

  3. not sure if this has been submitted as i didn't see other poses regarding it (i didnt look to hard) 

    so I will summite one as it is really annoying. 

    not sure when or how it happens but its to often. 
    item in the inventory get stuck off the inventory menu dialog page




    as you can see the cross bow and Flint lighter are below the menu, (have had it down as far as the quick slots at the bottem of the screen. 
    These bugged items still are usable only if in a quick slot but you cant access them or remove them, only way to remove or fix this is 1. restart your game, or 2. if youre lucky and its in a quick slot. you can freeplace the item on the ground. interact with something while changing to a tool. then picking that placed item back up, bringing it back to a useable item back in your inventory.

    another bug related to this one is when you have these bugged items, it fills a spot in your inventory but has the item avatar off the menu. so you have a filled empty slot. As you fill up your inventory slots, sometimes it will permanently drop an item you tried to pick up with your filled inventory.


    These stone chunks you can not pick up and now litter my cave. you cant build over it either so this can screw up someones build if it happens in the wrong spot. 







  4. what was the player that killed you??

    i have done this to a few people. i am letting the cat out the bag now.

    if you have enough dirt. you can move a offline player out of their protective barrier and then kill them. 
    even if they are inside their locked up house that you cant get in. you can push someone through a wall by squeezing them out the wall with placing dirt. 

    its a bit harsh to do this, but it sure sped up my progress while joining a new server :P

  5. So i do kinda enjoy this on but thats just exploiting.

    so when using the iron spade shovel. you can continue to use it after it breaks, only if you dont stop shoveling. (depress mouse button)

    you can use it indefinitely as long as you have the dig button pressed before it breaks. but once you stop digging after its broken. it now become broken. 

    I do alot of digging and noticed this pretty fast.

  6. so here i am ready to leave the starter island, having everything on me that i worked hard for. enough for two large masts to push the large ship forward to new ADVENTURES. with lots of seeds,iron, and food 

    then all of a sudden i get stuck inside the boat. yah thats fine its happened before. so i sign out and back in as that fixed the problem in the past. but not this time.20180102094704_1.thumb.jpg.57dc67f85e78f2a0f636985cf6e5f53b.jpg
    Died from a hard fall, loosing everything but a few logs and tools. after trying to get everything back, Oh how lucky i am. I get stuck once again

    i first got stuck inside the boat by walking into the boat itself. the second time i was just on top and would fall though in spots. 

    this was on a multiplayer map, so Rip that one

    • Haha 1

  7. So if you ever get into playing Ylands, you should know that a boat is a must. 

    the limits are almost to the sky of what you can build. blocky or not, mobile base or speeders. so many choices of what you can do on that large platform of a boat foundation. 

    Would be cool to see more options for boats in the future. 

    so since boats are a big thing,  i have learnt a few things. large masts are what you need to start off with. skip the small ones, not worth it. a boat with 6 masts could be considered a speeder.  if you make floors with stairs, make sure the stairs face the Bow. otherwise if you're sailing while going down the stairs, you could be going for a swim and hoping the boat gods  stop your ship. 

    Are the Engines really worth it?? I think so  only if you got 4 or more, otherwise youll be relying on your masts taking up more room, or itll be slower then your other boat thats still the speeder. 
    -The Mast Sails are cheap and very effictive in higher numbers (5 Large+) but take up alot of skyrise building room. 
    -Engines are very expensive and only really reffictive also in higher numbers. but leave you tons of room to build more decks. 


    I have not had a chance to play with the different engines (steam vs Ylandium) I jumped straight to the battery pack ones, with a recharger. on board. but my packs got consumed. didnt even get depleted ones back, so did i really need a recharger?? so do we gotta make new packs each time the engines run dry....

    Editor mode i made a full 10 Ylandium Engine battle base boat. equipped even with a recharger and Generator. Not sure still if the engines consume the battery packs or is like the propeller suit.

    Editor build. 10 ylandium recharger . moble base/battle (10 Betty Cannons, every table, 10 engines, recharger, Large Gen)
    Its a little ugly but i wanted to see building around engines and a charger and Generator. this is my second boat build. I much perffeer my first build that runs Large Masts

    Anyways lets hear about your Boat builds and experiences

  8. so one thing i seem to cant get a grasp about when playing in editor, is when you go into player mode. how do you return to the editor screen.

    i have pressed every button it seems like and iv only frozen the game doing so without achieving what i was aiming for. to exit the player mode in Editor.
    so far my only solution is to save before (learned that the hard way) entering player mode then exiting the game after words to restart up the save.

    Does anyone have a better solution other then pressing the power button :o

  9. i have gotten this "Host unreachable" problem 

    while playing i can get dropped out 3 times in ten minutes, with the unreachable host. 

    i played for awhile with the problem and this is what i have noticed.

    while on the starter island, with other players i would crash (host unreachable) often. mostly during weather changes and night and day cycles.  but once i moved to another island, this unreachable host went away. weather changed fine, day and night cycles pasted by, got a few hours in before a crash happened. 
    Then i thought it would be cool to see what was going on back at the starter island which was trouble to find with my non saving map. once i arrived back at starter, the crashes cames back. 

    Not sure if this helps or no, but it does give you an idea what could be causing the problem. 


  10. i made a boat with just wood and stone chests and never had any problems. a full decked out ship no problems. then on a online server that wasnt mine, had a few wooden pieces and bamboo chests, and half the time i would climb the ladder,  I would get teleported to other places. even under the map where you just die and loose everything. 


  11. I also had a bug with my ship on a online server i joined. every so often as i climbed the ladder it would teleport me to different places. sometimes to different islands or other players ships, The one that made me quite was when it teleported me under the map. 
    Ended up freezing the death as i kept free falling. 20171231143927_1.thumb.jpg.20beae831ee5581f03330178ad570d16.jpg
