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Posts posted by Energritz_

  1. 12 hours ago, Ane said:

    Update: The hotfix will be ready to be released later today, but we decided to release it on Monday to make sure we are all ready and online in case any problems arise.

    Good choice, having everyone available if something is broken is wise, although it is the weekend, but patience i guess.

  2. 1 minute ago, kimbuck said:

    I just  played an  hour of  Ylands.... 45 mins was staring at a  blue  screen with a circle trying to  connect.. ...5  mins was spent  waiting  for the screen to unfreeze...only to display  the 114  error.

    The remaining  10  minutes was trying to play the game   with  my avatar  moving  5  steps ...everything  freezing for 1  minute  ., then another  5  steps ..until the  114  message.:(

    A quick  check shows i am the only one on line on the server.....:S

    Time to bash head against wall for  five  minutes then go to bed..


    May as well stay in bed till a fix comes out, whenever that is...

  3. I'm now having the dreaded "Network layer error" Server is less than 2hrs away from me by car...

    Never had this issue until server save file reached 20+MB, seriously do think once it reaches this point, considers too large and gives up... this needs to be checked.. for any relation.

    My Connection and Ping locally to the server are fine... Can download various files from various places local and overseas and great speeds..  yet server fails downloading 20MB..

    Restarted server several times with the same result.. About to give up on 0.7 as the MP Failure Patch... Nothing has been done or attempted to fix..

    And frustrated since nothing has been said about it..


  4. Firstly for those wondering what a pegi even is : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan_European_Game_Information

    So after reading a unformulated jumbled wall of text, i trying to gauge  what it is your trying to complain about..

    Something about ratings being dropped to children from teen, and making it more appealing to a younger audience is upsetting you,

    in terms of Violence and PVP or more casual crowd game.. i really can't tell a great deal since everything is like a bomb dropped and exploded everywhere..

    secondly it's never good to write post in a fit of rage (whats happened here), as it becomes an unreadable mess..

    From what i can understand is you're angry because the game is becoming soft, and why the pegi was reduced to younger kids...

    From what i have seen so far, Ylands is an EARLY ACCESS game, it's content is not finalized for a release state, in fact a long way off..

    Personally i like the game for its exploring aspect, being able to build wherever i want.

    Like even all the animals and if there were mobs or evil things are describe, wouldn't even be working correctly right now..

    Also rewrite your post... for the sake of everyone else.. to a readable format.

    • Haha 2
    • Upvote 1

  5. Update for this:

    Found out my host does things with the system clock, meaning once i set the clock for Sydney time, disconnect from the VM, not log after the time is changed back...

    which then in turn causes the server to act weird, like what you see above, since the time is being reset to UTC rather than +10 AEDT, its subtracting those hours in between.

    followed by going into #400 error when posting and receiving a response.

    I have contact the host, they told me they run everything at UTC.. offered a fix which did not work, and now I've just left the clock alone, even though its wrong.

    Upon finding this out, correcting to the correct time, the server attempts a revival function, and fixed itself.

    However this is still rather bad.. i don't think the system clock should be able to kill the server like that...


  6. 6 hours ago, Jemcrystal said:

    Is Ylands a game you can buy on Steam that then you can turn around and share with other household members?  Through Steam Share? 

    Is it an mmorpg or does it have a single player mode?

    this is a really odd question, if you want to know what its all about search on youtube for ylands, watch a few videos and find out if its for you.

    • Upvote 1

  7. 11 hours ago, Eaglestorm13 said:

    Single Player and I have also check Task and both CPU and Mem never spike over 18% while in game.

    Yes but thats just the game, its normal for it to use resources, how many processes is the computer running? i would also scan your system to check for rouge apps

  8. 4 hours ago, Eaglestorm13 said:

    I know about  the game save lag spikes but i still experience frequent lag. my System specs are Win 10 64bit,. Amd Ryzen 5 1400, 12 gig mem, and a Gtx 1060. I have even set everything to low. Any tips trick or advice is welcome.

    Are you playing SP or MP, if SP check to see some other programs in the background taking resources, if MP then this probably normal unfortunately.. at least until 0.8..sadly

  9. On 2/23/2018 at 10:09 PM, Aleš Ulm said:


    Speaking of issues: I would like to ask you (many of you are already doing for which we are really grateful ) that if you encounter a bug  - especially a serious one - and decide to let us know, be sure to include your log files (if it's in MP ideally both host's and client's one). Some issues take a really long time to get fixed because they happen "randomly" and we have a hard time reproducing those. If you provide us with the log files there's a good chance we can find something that will help us identify the issue - very often the actual fixing takes only a little time.  

    Dedicated servers

    Many of you have been running Ylands DS for some time now so during the next week we would like to start discussing with you what changes or improvements you'd like to see in the future DS. If you would like to test DS and are not part of the testing group, let us know via a private message.

    Sorry if come off harsh, i don't mean it, but this is getting ridiculous..

    Firstly, either hotfix 0.7 or Fix the resounding issues with networking, related to lots of forum posts of the same detailed issues, with 114 error, network layer error, and doing anything difficult for the server to process causing disconnects.

    These are not random, many people are reporting this all over the forum, DS forum, General, and Tech Bug Forum, however we are being kept in the dark... which is even more frustrating..

    I understand you guys are busy but there hasn't been really any sort of hey we know there's an issue and were on it, type of case mentioned anywhere..

    I really hope we do not have to wait another month for 0.8 and even then we don't know if this will be fixed,  99% my time is invested into MP DsServer and Game play wise..   SP is like 1% for editor, if you count that as SP.

    I've had less than Gameplay time ever than before since 0.7 dropped.

    More transparency would be nice.. would make people be more calm about the situation.


    • Upvote 1

  10. 14 hours ago, DarkSkies33 said:

    After dying with a helicopter on, my character had to be respawned and kill numerous times.

    I've seen various posts of the forums, where people have died with propeller pack and weird things happen, such as being stuck, and not being able to remove it, causing nothing but issues

    Looking into your log, It mentions of a Missing ID, a binding error (might be this), GUI error, and session leak.. 3 of those except gui seem important, in my opinion.

    P.S Nice system though! props to you!

    20 minutes ago, Velocifer said:

    Oh dammit, I just did /killme command and after server reboot (I think) I'm successfully respawn with new character but my barrier don't recognize me as an owner..
    This incident is related to this post too. I just realized basically I'm flying between bugs.. What a day...

    Also had a look at your logs, damn... so many errors.. its just too much to decipher.. would literally take me hours to make that readable, sorry man.

  11. This all happened while i was asleep, during graveyard hours.

    Just another strange Early Access occurrence

    At some point after someone logged on, server threw this error:

    [EX] [01:48:17.87] System.NullReferenceException:
    	TerrainEngine.GameObjectPoolInfo.CloseObject (GameObject)
    	ylands.DelayedUnpooler.LateUpdate ()[MM] 17
    [WN]U [-10:-03:-51.-92] Can not play a disabled audio source
    [EX] [-10:-02:-45.-26] System.NullReferenceException:
    	TerrainEngine.GameObjectPoolInfo.CloseObject (GameObject)
    	ylands.DelayedUnpooler.LateUpdate ()[MM] 7
    [IN] [-09:-58:-42.-59] Response #125: 400 44B ...

    Now the server has Negative values? error is thrown twice and Response code is now #400, which means unable to connect

    to Ba servers, prior to this all connections are #200.. there is a player that is still connected, but doesn't stay online for long.

    These negative values i have never seen before,  at some point it has steam issues..

    [IN] [-07:-42:-17.-86] Response #258: 400 44B ...
    [ER] [-07:-42:-04.-68] SteamServersDisconnected result=k_EResultNoConnection
    	ylands.SteamIntegration.SteamManager.OnSteamServersDisconnected (SteamServersDisconnected_t)
    	Steamworks.Callback`1[Steamworks.SteamServersDisconnected_t].OnRunCallback (IntPtr, IntPtr)
    	Steamworks.NativeMethods.SteamGameServer_RunCallbacks ()
    	Steamworks.GameServer.RunCallbacks ()
    	ylands.SteamIntegration.CommonSteamApi.RunCallbacks ()
    	ylands.SteamIntegration.SteamManager.Update ()
    [IN] [-07:-41:-48.-95] SteamServersConnected
    [IN] [-07:-41:-16.-59] Response #259: 400 44B ...
    [IN] [-06:-56:-49.-66] Response #302: 400 44B ...
    [ER] [-06:-56:-03.-11] SteamServersDisconnected result=k_EResultNoConnection
    	ylands.SteamIntegration.SteamManager.OnSteamServersDisconnected (SteamServersDisconnected_t)
    	Steamworks.Callback`1[Steamworks.SteamServersDisconnected_t].OnRunCallback (IntPtr, IntPtr)
    	Steamworks.NativeMethods.SteamGameServer_RunCallbacks ()
    	Steamworks.GameServer.RunCallbacks ()
    	ylands.SteamIntegration.CommonSteamApi.RunCallbacks ()
    	ylands.SteamIntegration.SteamManager.Update ()
    [IN] [-06:-55:-47.-36] Response #303: 400 44B ...
    [ER] [-06:-55:-30.-06] SteamServerConnectFailure result=k_EResultNoConnection
    	ylands.SteamIntegration.SteamManager.OnSteamServerConnectFailure (SteamServerConnectFailure_t)
    	Steamworks.Callback`1[Steamworks.SteamServerConnectFailure_t].OnRunCallback (IntPtr, IntPtr)
    	Steamworks.NativeMethods.SteamGameServer_RunCallbacks ()
    	Steamworks.GameServer.RunCallbacks ()
    	ylands.SteamIntegration.CommonSteamApi.RunCallbacks ()
    	ylands.SteamIntegration.SteamManager.Update ()
    [IN] [-06:-55:-10.-91] SteamServersConnected

    Negative goes into Positive eventually

    [IN] [-01:-01:-24.-48] Response #646: 400 44B ...
    [IN] [-01:00:-23.-18] Response #647: 400 44B ...
    [IN] [00:00:40.42] Response #648: 400 44B ...
    [IN] [00:01:41.68] Response #649: 400 44B ...

    Still the #400 persists, meaning either the error has broken the server or there is some kind of issue at Ba

    I load up the game to see if the server was appearing on the list, it wasn't there.., And a final shutdown error:

    [IN] [01:27:45.42] DsState: Quitting
    [WN] [01:27:45.43] NullPersistentStorageManager WriteFile
    	ylands.NullPersistentStorageManager.WriteFile (String, Byte[], StorageType)
    	Analytics.OnSessionQuit (EventSessionQuit)
    	EventDispatcher.DispatchEvent[EventSessionQuit] (EventSessionQuit)
    	ylands.SessionLifecycle.DoExit (String)
    	ylands.SessionLifecycle.Exit (String)
    	ylands.Quitter.GracefulQuit ()
    	ylands.HeadlessServerManager.Shutdown ()
    	ylands.HeadlessServerManager+<DelayedShutdownCoro>c__Iterator1.MoveNext ()
    	UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator, IntPtr)



  12. Since it's a official server, rescuing your character is near 0%, unless the Dev's take it down and figure out how to fetch your character, i don't see it happening.

    0.7 has introduced alot of issues with the networking.. Since this is early access this is a given, however frustrating.. I can only suggest you play on non official servers

    that was if the admin is active, they might be able to fix the problem, but no guarantees.

    Better than no Moderation of the server.
