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Everything posted by Energritz_

  1. This is more of a technical issue, rather than a bug. After doing some research, joining different servers and such, there is a big gap of waiting... Lets say you want to join a server that's well established, been around for awhile... (Example, my server) here is the break down of times per handshake event Establishing a Connection: ~5-10secs *There is a very long pause here looking at blue sky...( ~35s-40s of nothingness.. many would think server has lagged/crashed ) (During this time, people on the server, are frozen in-place, which makes a lot of them disconnect/frustrated/blaming me for bad server) Start of downloading data: ~45-50sec * this part is dependent of servers data ( ~15-20secs, could use improvements) Start of loading data: ~1:05m-1:10m Seeing your Character in-game: ~1:15m--1:20m (this is fine, computer dependent) Please have a look into this, especially the part of "nothingness" at least.. would be great to eliminate all of that time. PS: This is a DS also.
  2. Hello all, So as the title suggests, last i was here was about that time frame. This popped up in my steam lists and recommendations and forgotten about this developing game, last i remember i left due to frustrations, but everything deserves some chance of redemption of sorts. So how has development been these past 18 months or so? Are servers still not garbage collecting? Are player spawns cause server crashes? or was i right about nothing being progressed? Just some of things as a previous server admin that i remember being frustrated with.
  3. Considering that sitting players are disconnected, yeah... nah
  4. Energritz_

    Dev Diary #105

    RIP Private server owners, really disappointed with this approach, even though i have been away from the scene in sometime, i did also hope that with time and development things would get better but alas. As to with the issue at hand, coyns, there are other developers out there that have a solution, only allow such things via official servers, if there not official then turn off the option simple. The option should never have been available to unofficial servers anyway since not everyone will keep their server alive after a month or so. The outdated reason is just an excuse, since forever the dedicated servers have been sub par and lacking support, they were never really developed to a real usable level, this seems like a really cant be stuffed attitude and another way to make money. Also please note, not everyone has access to money to buy their own "official" servers from a server hosting company, not to mention regional pricing, which then also cuts off more community players, for example in my region, a basic game server ( from nitrado btw ) with similar game functionality would cost me around $35 per month, also i would be connecting from overseas as they have no regional servers here. Not everyone lives in US/EU... this mindset needs to stop..
  5. Energritz_

    Server frustrations

    Because previously i've made a post about something similar about project status and such and got abuse from other forum users, and recently people have seen these and have made threats outside of the forum, probably to hide and stay safe, because the things they have said would be quite questionable. Sorry to say ane, i would like to express my opinions but they are not welcome here, because i see different views to what they have.
  6. Energritz_

    Server frustrations

    At this rate i have a lot of doubts for this project, i won't say anymore because there are white knights here that will down vote me, for constructive criticism and taking it negatively, because my logic is too real for them. Another reason i don't bother posting here anymore, because i don't feel welcome. Due to this and broken dev promises it's very likely by September the only 24/7 Public Oceania server will cease to exist.
  7. Hello team, Reporting this on behalf of one of our players on our server. Issue: Player in Question was testing out blueprints feature when they placed the Project Table, a message "someone else is using that" appears in red text, at the time only that player was on the server, they also created said table. The 1st time they used the table with blueprint it worked fine, however on second attempt, this message appears. They also tried a different blueprint for a second time and also had the same issue. They go on to say that, they logged into different servers and it worked. Info: Player describes the steps, when they try to interact with the table the message "someone else is using that" even though they were alone on the server, this appears when they try to put item(s) into the table. Attempted Resolutions: Server rebooted, issue persists. Image from the player
  8. Energritz_

    doctor cheater

    Person has been banned on our server
  9. So... for those of us that run servers how are we supposed to effectively manage our worlds now? unless you made a custom world... which i don't do because last time PB's weren't available for normal play when maps were made this way... this is not a great way to run a public server for peace of mind. I don't use editor often but i use it to "clean" ( remove corpses and trash items, bugged trees and other plethora of things.. ) to try and keep the server performance the best it can be, because there is no mechanism still to effectively do this yet.. If this is no longer possible then whats the point of player run servers as they would be identical performance to official ones... other than private whitelisted servers and some with custom options for Pve/Pvp etc ... I sincerely hope this gets changed so that at least admins that run servers can continue to do this until a system is in place where its not required and then this wouldn't be much of a problem.
  10. Energritz_

    Age of players

    35 but i feel more like 25 mental wise
  11. Energritz_

    KNOWN ISSUE Blueprints "in-use" bug

    No they have a different name, they have told me that's not them. EDIT: i went to said persons base, tested the machines myself and can confirm even as admin on the server, that i get the same issue.
  12. Energritz_

    Making a new exploration map-type.

    I would chose the second, having no barrier is a deal breaker for me, unless this particular server is the trusted one with password/whitelist, that has screened out the griefers from the stock one, then i would consider it.
  13. Energritz_

    RESOLVED Server gone with latest update

    It means that the 0.9 Software for the Dedi Server was released into the wild unintentionally, since there's no client update for 0.9 or no notice of an update from the devs. which also means those that updated to the newer software cannot connect to the server since the version's mismatch. Edit: Confirming that 0.9 for DS software, just dloaded now and tested, missing Headless, still runs without it " Ylands Version: trunk prod uds '0.9.0_3' " Log: https://pastebin.com/jKV4h0wG
  14. Energritz_

    Multiple issues etc on NA15...

    too much favoritism in Single player, this is why MP is a joke right now
  15. Check out the last few dev dairies on the forum, a quite a few responses to some of these have been made by the Devs
  16. Energritz_

    Playing the game fairly

    hows the server hopping going? still on official ones?
  17. Energritz_

    Community get-together?

    Well i did explain the time zones part, and doesn't take much to work out, that I'm on the other side of the world.. and that i got messages at 3:30am as well about this on discord... and also sorry, I've had to deal with a lot of not so smart people over the last few weeks at work.. so this kinda urked me the wrong way...
  18. Energritz_

    Community get-together?

    It's called work, since its Monday for me... although 5am is when i get up to get ready to leave for work. I guess people don't read...
  19. Energritz_

    Community get-together?

    Would check it out but 7pm GMT is 5am here, so time zones suck for where i live, also its Monday for me have fun!
  20. Energritz_

    What are your Early Game construction priorities?

    From a MP stand point this is my strategy. Find a relatively stable server that's been around for awhile (eg my server #sellout) there are few of us here that run maintained servers. Stay away from official servers, if things go wrong and sometimes they do, don't hold out on getting help at least not for a long time. 1) i gather materials, while avoiding predator areas (lions, hyenas, bears, etc), this includes Ores, Wood, Food etc (vital things) 2 ) I construct a temporary area of machines in a quiet area, not spawn.. or near houses.. 3) craft only the necessary things to build a boat, because i don't wanna hang around on spawn island. 4) Set sail in any direction looking for birds in the sky, usually nearby islands are habitable. 5) find preference island, dock, claim island for yourself, as i have found out, a lot folks just chill on spawn island.. unless the server is populated.. which is rare... 6) Setup base, progression, ???, profit, expand to whole island (choice is endless only limited by resources) (Your mileage my vary, based on your particular server rules and MP issues)
  21. Energritz_

    Dev Diary #35

    This dev dairy is news to my ears... Would like to say that hiring new developers is nice and all but in reality it's more time the new developers have to catch up the existing ones... to be on a single track mind as a whole. I understand adding content to game to keep interest is the main point here, but i think the majority of the existing user base just wants fixes and a working product at this point. I'm not ranting i just don't understand why fixing issues isn't the priority, once those are pretty much fixed then additional features should come in. Also will the game go into any kind of beta in the future, since this is still technically "alpha" quality in it's current state, instead of Alpha > Release, to me i think beta's are rather important. Another thing as a whole, with 0.9 rolling around with the "cloud" feature, my concerns are, will anyone bother with Dedicated servers anymore? in their current state no, if they worked then probably. I am really on the fence about this update and how it will turn out... I really enjoy MP because i like to meet new people, i feel like 0.9 will make it like a closed group, where only friends and big communities will thrive, because it will be a better product than servers and everyone that's trying to get one running (no joke), will probably just use this "cloud" service and it will become the replacement for servers. well at least until DS is fixed to point it has interest without as many issues and with features... which i will ask the question, why should i bother to host a server then? Anyway, looking forward to the Dedicated discussion coming up, the UI change, and potential scripting enticed my interest. Maybe i can finally make configuration script for base settings on the server, such as time length, pvpve option, rates, etc etc.
  22. Well we we're supposed to get some response, In the dedicated server forums under "Dedicated server user feedback" thread. But that was 2 months ago, they did the video Q & A for sp..
  23. I'll just say this, Official servers are the worst kind of servers... don't know why they have so many, when yet privately run public server usually get some sort of care, that is if the owner bothers to check it. with 0.9 it's not gonna matter anymore.. due to the " cloud" system they are putting in, like whats the point of servers then? I'll also mention its been about a month now since 0.8 release... seems like they are going back to their "slow" release cycles again.
  24. Energritz_

    Dev Diary #34

    Congrats on the partnership, i really hope for all of us this give ylands the boost it needs, population wise and development wise. However looking back in china's history with "their own way of doing things" in mp games, i really hope team have looked into this, and plan to take some action about it... as it could tarnish the name. So to me this reads as " China's servers and players will be contained in their own eco-system and cannot play with international/steam users/servers, if this is true then that fine in my books, however if they can still use steam DS/official servers thats were things will get 50/50 borderline... I really don't want to have to deal with "their own way of doing things" on my server, as i have run other various game server in the past with nothing but troubles from that region, however maybe ylands will be different, who knows. Time will tell..
  25. Energritz_

    Ylands will be published in China!

    Building doesn't bother me... it how you got the materials that concerns me, and whether not you used a 3rd party app to obtain them..