so got on today on an official server i have been playing. i seem to be floating but i am stuck, cant go swim or cant fly away. but can place dirt?????
I suspect im inside my recently built yatch but i cant see it as it may have not rendered??(its on the bigger size) re-logging has not worked and i am afraid to stay online due to starvation out at sea.
Pic shows me apon signing in and standing on whats not there, minus a bit of dirt.
Im not sure about the save...
i have noticed sometimes mutated animals can get stuck in cave ceilings. making it seem like there or less or even none in the cave. the odd time also with crystals, but you can usually see the Glow from them
only way to notice this is either seeing a foot in the roof or using the x-ray first person exploit within under ground
what would be cool if if you could extend ladders, like for example making a access shaft longer then one ladder. only way to make it work now, is make small floors with another ladder.