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Posts posted by handofthesly

  1. 1 hour ago, renderin said:

    Nah, its constant.

    I mentioned it in another thread, but got no response. Ill post screen shots later.


    Ok maybe start a new thread in the bugs section and include screenshots and your output files too. Hopefully @Ane can help you out here.

    • Like 1

  2. 1 hour ago, renderin said:

    Then I have a bug, because nothing shows in my crafting menu until i have the items.

    Ok yeah that is strange, once you’ve learnt the recipe it should stay available in the crafting menu. So say you’ve picked up a piece of Flint then the recipes for stone knife and flint lighter should appear and stay there. You don’t accidentally have a different sub-tab selected or have anything written in the search box? 

  3. 1 hour ago, renderin said:

    The analogy would be forgetting how to make a sandwich because you are out of bread.

    That analogy is not entirely accurate. Once you have discovered the recipe it always shows in your crafting tab but it is not craftable until you physically have the materials in your possession again. You still ‘remember’ how to make the item.

    Before discovering the recipe, the recipe simply doesn’t show up because you haven’t discovered the items it requires yet. Otherwise that would be like knowing how to make something without knowing what it is actually made out of, which in my opinion makes even less sense.

    I do agree though that it can be hard to know what you actually need to be making in the first place. Without knowing you need to make Yarn and a Sewing Kit I don’t think it is very obvious how to go about making Cloth or Clothing without having real world knowledge on how they are made. There are some hints as long as you have a rough idea or have happened to collect a few of the items to start with like you would know how to make Yarn if you had collected Cotton already which would also tell you to make a Spinning Wheel. Once you make the Yarn then you would know how to make a Sewing Kit and Cloth which would tell you to make a Weaving Loom etc etc. it is a progression tree after all, if you don’t collect lots of different resources and make lots of different items as they come available then you are never going to learn more recipes or anything.

  4. On 7/10/2017 at 8:46 AM, mario47 said:

    Hmmm no offence, but when you make small compositions that take less than 1 minute to make, you should pack those compositions together, then you just filling up the workshop. Thats just my personal opinion but i don't think its right to have the first pages  filled with small compositions that are made easily in 1 minute and then big compositions that take long to make be behind everything. 

    Maybe we can suggest to the devs to add a separate category/tab on the workshop for smaller, decorative items such as these?

  5. 1 hour ago, kimbuck said:

    Regarding  corpse  removal ...  would it be  possible  to equip oneself  with a coffin and then load the corpse  into it   ..like you can do  with a  chest/container?   then   either  dump them at seaB|  or have  a  key  combination  you can press to  remove them  from the   game.   ??¬¬

    I was thinking the same thing with the coffins, use them to transport and bury bodies in a more civil manner 

    • Upvote 1


    9 minutes ago, Michael J Daugherty said:

    I have a silly question.  How do you post the actual screenshots here.  I know how to do it on the steam forum, but I must be doing something wrong.   Thanks in advance:)


    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\*your steamid*/760/remote/298610/screenshots

    or something similar 


  7. I’m with you Kimbuck, in the Oceania group but across the ditch in New Zealand! Where we too have flightless birds albeit they are shorter and fatter with long noses (Kiwi) and other birds that rip you car apart bit by bit and steal your belongings (Kea). 

    • Haha 3
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  8. I’m not saying palm oil is the only culprit, it was just the example being used in the conversation. We have a serious problem in my country with dairy intensification and the pollution it pumps into our waterways. Like I said, monoculture is not the way to go, humans are ruining this planet using these outdated techniques.

    And as I said in my first comment on this post, I DO feel bad about killing wolves and pumas and so do a lot of other players. I also certainly do not agree with how humans IRL are treating animals and causing so many extinctions, regardless if it’s a mammal, lizard, bird, amphibian, insect, spider, marsupial etc etc. we should be protecting them if anything. 

    This is a game and it is for the individual player to decide how they want to play. Game developers will always have a hard time catering for every kind of player because we are all different and have differing opinions.

    My main point was that I thought it unlikely that they would be able to implement such a feature like which the OP was suggesting as it wouldn’t agree with the ratings system as they are trying to keep the game family friendly. And I was never implying that the game devs shouldn’t keep bringing new content to the game, I was merely bringing it to peoples attention that the devs are limited to what they can realistically do with the game with those constraints.

    • Upvote 2

  9. 2 hours ago, Soondead-27d3f9fbcbfb78c3 said:

    Really, palm oil? This discussion needs more gasoline. Here: http://www.saynotopalmoil.com/Whats_the_issue.php

    Palm oil is only really bad because of the deforestation humans are causing to create massive plantations of palm trees and in effect are destroying animals habitats.

    So far in Ylands there isn’t such a feature like this, it is totally up to the player whether they want to strip everything off of their land and replant a monoculture of palms with little to no consequence. Maybe an idea for a future update?

  10. Sulphur is very common on the surface of Arid/Desert Ylands, but can also be found in some cave systems. My last mining attempt saw exactly 666 Sulphur Chunks being mined from a single vein on the surface. Reference to the devil much!

    Saltpeter is a bit more elusive but I have found large veins of around 500 chunks starting in cave systems of Temperate/Taiga Ylands which extend almost all of the way back to the surface.

  11. Interesting ideas although I probably wouldn’t be one to join in on a whale killing spree. I feel bad enough killing wolves and pumas! Not sure if they would be able to implement this sort of feature again (ie corpses) if they want to keep their family friendly ratings. 

    I would much rather hunt mutant sea creatures and have a tameable/rideable whale to have as a sea companion which you could call if your boat got destroyed and you were stranded in the middle of the ocean.

    But in general I agree with most here, the sea life needs expanding upon greatly and I’m sure it will come with time

    • Like 2

  12. That's no good, this was mentioned by another user before, Ane says it was going to be fixed in an upcoming update so probably when 0.7 comes out?

    On 12/10/2017 at 2:28 PM, toxycated said:

    Bug: When you have food selected and the hint says to left click to eat, if you scroll quickly over to another item on your hotbar then left click before the tooltip disappears  you will consume the item.
    The delay takes far too long to switch to the currently active item in your toolbar...

    I accidentally lost my map this way, #8 was my food, #9 was my map. went from just eating to wanting to read my map and ate my map.. 


    (Edit: This was in multiplayer)

