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Everything posted by JaBreaker

  1. my problem is I can't play Ylands because my launcher stops Downloading game bin.It stops downloading around 16% the highest percentage It downloaded was in 36%.I even tried deleting :C/Users/Appdata/Local/Ylandslauncher.It downloads but somehow stops again.but if I close Ylands when its stops downloading it stuck at 0%.What should I do?
  2. JaBreaker

    RESOLVED I can't Play Ylands

    Well after having my computer being reformat Ylands in now working great for me btw the game has gorgeous graphics and the soundtrack is kinda making think about how wonderful life is and it touches me.10/10 Ylands is a great game and If it comes out in Steam I will purchase it.
  3. JaBreaker

    RESOLVED I can't Play Ylands

    Now the problem is how to fix glitchy graphics It's just black screen with buttons I thought it was normal but when I play I literally see only Black Screen then I press esc it has buttons with box as letters What should I do????
  4. JaBreaker

    RESOLVED I can't Play Ylands

    Well I guess waiting was the solution after all sorry if I waste all of your times
  5. JaBreaker

    RESOLVED I can't Play Ylands

    Ok I'll try to wait and yeah it takes longer it's in 20% now and I think it's more than a half hour when I installed it again
  6. JaBreaker

    RESOLVED I can't Play Ylands

    300KB/S to 500KB/S I live in the Philippines
  7. JaBreaker

    RESOLVED I can't Play Ylands

    Well it manage to go to 17% I think it's fixed I'll let you know if It stops again in 36%
  8. JaBreaker

    RESOLVED I can't Play Ylands

    Nope still not working.......
  9. JaBreaker

    RESOLVED I can't Play Ylands

    BTW when I read the debug folder in the Ylands launcher this is what it said [0602/170518:ERROR:resource_bundle.cc(720)] Failed to load C:\Users\AMD A10\AppData\Local\YlandsLauncher\tmp\resources\qtwebengine_devtools_resources.pak Some features may not be available. [0602/170519:ERROR:resource_bundle.cc(720)] Failed to load C:\Users\AMD...
  10. JaBreaker

    RESOLVED I can't Play Ylands

    BTW I'm letting you know that mine is a trail version I'm going to buy Ylands when it's going to be realeased in Steam
  11. JaBreaker

    RESOLVED I can't Play Ylands

    Ok let me see.....
  12. JaBreaker

    RESOLVED I can't Play Ylands

    here you go. YlandsLauncher.log YlandsLauncher-previous.log