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Found 3 results

  1. Rahburry-a933889cda4dd096

    Ability to change ItemId

    In the Ylands editor it was would be great to have the ability to change and items item ID. I recently moved a bunch of stone chests to another house I built on an island; however, do you still in chest does not work well with the theme of my new house! Having the ability to change the item ID of an item or container would be fantastic! I wish I could change the stone chests into large cabinets without having to manually transfer the items inside the stone chest into a cabinet in my new house. What do you guys think?
  2. Maxime Gaillard

    Extended inventory exploit

    Hi, I honestly have to report an exploit that allows to extend the inventory further more that its actual size. Here is how to proceed to reproduce the "bug" : 1) create any inventory container (best, a keyholder) 2) open any any chest (best, a stone chest) 3) put some items from you inventory to the chest 4) open the container you just created in your inventory 5) drag and drop the items from the chest to your open inventory container (every type of item fits), then close it. You inventory is now neat. That's done. You can access to the items at any time an get them directly from the container even put them to the right quick slot if it is a tool Note that: - The number of item you may put in the container is equal to the number of slots of the chest you use for the transfer - You can use as many inventory containers as you want for this trick - If you use keyholders, you shall keep all their content at respawn. A bit more work for the developper since the next update !
  3. ThereGoesLucie


    On our map, there is a tower with a sphere container at the top and then the other side of the island is a big metal box floating with two balloon things...anyone else had this and found out how to access them?!