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Found 1 result

  1. newfang1

    Making Blueprints

    Hey guys, I'm about to start a large project that I'm planning to Blueprint. Has this been changed since this posting? (See Below) I intended on making the vehicle in the Editor mode, but wanted to make sure I could before I got started. How do I share a Blueprint with a friend? - Can we make Blueprints in Editor Mode? On 6/11/2018 at 3:35 AM, Ane said: This is not planned at this moment. There are several reasons, but the most important is that in the Creative mode players have access even to objects that can't be crafted in the game. If you capture a house that would contain such objects, you wouldn't be able to build it elsewhere. From that point of view the only "safe" mode is Explore, where we know everything that players are capturing has been crafted. That being said, Blueprints will definitely be improved in the future, so any feedback is welcome!