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Found 1 result

  1. Hello YLanders, it's me Smoothey I'm a youtuber that has around 50 subs on youtube, I upload all YLands on my channel but i tend to play solo as I have no friends that play this game ( ooof ) Anyways, I'm looking for some people to record with, I don't have a lot of requirements, but there's a few. Must have a GOOD MIC - I want you to have a good mic not for you and me, but for your viewers as it's proven that more often than not that people will stick to your videos as long as you have a good mic. Must be MATURE, but FUNNY at the same time - I'm 15 myself, and I can be immature sometimes, but I don't want a 12 year old saying something offensive but at the same time I don't want a Dad playing with me and telling me what to do. Close timezone - I love my brits and all that, but how am I gonna play with you if you play when I sleep and vice versa? Must have Discord That's pretty much it, just comment down below your discord username and four digits and I'll happily add you OR you can join my discord server, and then PM me! That's pretty much it, Chow now Smoothey's out!