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Found 1 result

  1. Indian Chief

    Item's I would love seen

    3rd time lucky so they say. So for a while now I've been trying to get a lot of the items from the editor into the actual game. For me explore is and always will be Ylands, and I want to make the game even more enjoyable. So please if theirs's anything else you'd like to add to the list then please do. 1. Golden bell/any type of bell. If golden you would be able to make with hammer, chisel and 20 gold 2. Wagon wheel... who wouldn't want to add a cool wagon in game? 10 sticks, 5 nails, 4 planks a saw and knife needed to make. 3. stepping stones.. yet again who doesn't love adding in your own path using the stepping stones? Hammer and chisel. 5 stones ( those little things that really have no use apart from a couple of items) 4. Books... those book shelves look rather empty without a book in them... or lots of books. This you'd need a paper press ( at this stage I've never used one.. as I haven't had too) to make 10 paper, a pencil/quill and ink. 5. Ever since I laid eyes on this chair.... it's seriously the one item that i'd add out of all my requests. I know you've added some lovely looking chairs but I haven't seen a single seater with ottoman like the one above. 6 cloth, 2 beams, 4 planks and 10 nails. Something simular for the ottoman. 6. Glass bottles... the 2nd item I'd really really love to see in this game. 5 glass needed. 7. Paintings... I know you can get it from mr Ross.... but he doesn't sell all the paintings. Maybe a little greedy here but it'd be nice to have them all sold or craftable. 8. Gold gold gold. Not sure if you have anything planned... but for me at this stage collecting gold has no real merit. But say if you could make items out of it... now we have given me an incentive to hunt for it. Items I've attached are the Golden cup, idol, coins, key, and chain. 9/10. Banner's and shields... these looks amazing.... hats off to who ever designed these bad boys/girls. 11. Chain and ball... for those player's who have been naughty and need to go to jail! Or hard labour.... mine that iron! Thanks Chief