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Found 1 result

  1. Nikki Severin Patch Changelog

    Highlights ❤️ New time-limited pet (available Feb 10 - 17) ⚪ Improved behaviour of inventory and radial menu on-screen buttons 📝 New login/registration screen 📘 Tutorial UI improvements Fixed / Added / Tweaked / Removed [YLD-42689] Fixed: Tutorial: Mobile: Health layout overlaps the hint box. [YLD-42718] Fixed: "Gather Alchemy Ingredients" task name overlaps over its box. [YLD-42411] Added: Flying Boar for Valentine. [YLD-42530] Tweaked: Adjust character naming screen. [YLD-42280] Tweaked: Errors during login/registration are now more specific. [YLD-42544] Tweaked: Mobile UI: Inventory, Radial Menu, Chat a Pause menu should work on release. [YLD-42497] Removed: The login screen upon the first start.