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Found 1 result

  1. Before i start, understand i've done the following: After uninstalling Ylands, i wiped out the directory it left behind in the game directory, i wiped out the bohemian interactive directory left in the subdirectory off APPDATA/LocalLow. All my video drivers are up to date, i ran CCLEANER to remove any possible left over junk in the TEMP directories. I even created a new game save and attached it to the server I'm renting from Bohemia Interactive. My system is as clean as it can get and i reinstalled Windows 10 days previous to make sure it was 100% clean. Issues: Things are lost when dropped. Things are lost from digging. Things are lost when mounting them on walls (torches for instance). Can't use "hold down" rotate for things like doors to get the angle needed to make them fit perfectly. The single button push rotate works but it's useless on certain angles because it's limited. Crossbow just stops firing and refuses to reload. And i made it "new". Sometimes i can't pick up or drop bait or flowers. When i log back in, the crossbow is reloaded with 1 shot and the stuff (that was lost before on the ground) is sometimes visible. If i'm on a ship, when i come back in the game, i'm in the water "under" the ship. I shouldn't have these problems and i shouldn't have to keep going out and back into the games to solve certain issues and it won't solve the crossbow/blunderbuss issues my other players are having with them having shots they can't load into the blunderbuss that came with it in the chest when found after shooting a few rounds. I've gamed for over 40 years and i deal with computer repairs daily. I'm not a coder but i can't believe the issues are on my (and my other player's) ends. PS - It's been two game attempts and we have yet to find a single piece of copper ore or any kind of vein. We both though that was highly unusual. Also, AI people would die and leave nothing when dead....is that normal? output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt