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Found 1 result

  1. I know, that storing chests in inventory would be a game breaking mechanic (stacking inventory infinitely), but i think there should be a method to pick up chests, and boxes too. This kind of pickup should be limited to 1 at a time, and prevent players to interact with anything, open inventory or switch to any kind of items while carrying. It also could slow you down, and prevent jumping. To prevent stealing locked chest from each other, you could nail it to the floor (hammer interaction with chest consuming nails), but it also prevents you to move the chest, while it has anything under it. It would deepen the immersion in the game. Imagine a trade between players, loading and unloading boxes to the ship, instead of looting boxes and crates to load it into another chest. From technical side, you already have objects containing objects, and become carriable (seed packet, sea shell container, herb bag), the only extra programming & development it would need, to lock the chest in your hand, and prevent any interactions, and item uses, and modify movement (like what's happening, while you ride a horse). The only interaction what's possible while carrying a crate, is free placing the chest. Also, the chest interactions are a heartwarming addition to pirates too. Stealing chests, moving it to your own deck, and opening it with the crew watching, instead of hammering it in a haste on enemy ship / base / underwater wreckage.