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Found 2 results

  1. steam-76561198152586947

    Where do I find DIAMONDS? Please help!

    Hi guys, I'm a fairly new Ylands player. I'm trying to make a vice and I need a diamond. In the crafting menu it says to find them in "Deep Sea Biotpes" I've travelled to every region of the map and can't locate an under water biotope with this name. So I googled it and one discussion said you can find them randomly by digging dirt. Today I mined over 4,000 dirt and came up without a single diamond. I tried on a level one and a level 3 island, at different depths, straight down, strip mining and not a single diamond. This is driving me insane. I've spend two days looking and I've come up without a single diamond. Where on earth do I find diamonds??? Can someone please help me. Thanks.
  2. CavemanMo

    How do I eat?

    NOOB question. How Do I eat. I am starving and can't find the right keys to accomplish. Other things, inventory management,, etc.. to get my knife I currently use "i" for inventory then weapons filter then click then equip..... Something tells me there is a quicker way to arm myself.