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Found 1 result

  1. Would it be possible for single player and creative modes to get a suite of "Builders" tools that allow players to move placed objects? Furnishings like doors, tables, beds, chairs and such are the ones that are more desperately needed, but if it were possible to have the tools also "deconstruct" actual building materials as well it would be a nice bonus. The reason why I suggest this is that thus far I have had issues building onto or modifying existing randomly generated buildings and camps. Sometimes a cabin that was initially a boon turns into an eyesore that leaves no option but to move my entire base to a new area of the island or painstakingly dismantle and replace the structures, furniture, walls and more. I also understand that in multiplayer this would be an issue, but it must be easy enough to make them bound to perhaps the player shield generator thing, or make them only accessible by admin commands.