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Found 2 results

  1. drseito

    Propeller Pack Looks

    I love the propeller pack, but I find it distracting when not in use and playing in 3rd person. So, I would like to suggest adding a folding animation for the propeller, i.e., when not in use, it could just fold in half and slide into the pack.
  2. Lupowop


    So I've been playing for about a month now and I have reached all of the stuff that I think is unlockable in exploration mode. I have made myself a little jeep for putting around my Yland, I have the propeller pack for caving and general explorations and I have a couple of boats; one running on sails and a few engines, and one running strictly on engines. Basically I'm at end-game and just building new buildings on other ylands and such. So the other day I was sailing between my home Yland and my sulfur source yland and I thought to myself...."Self... wouldn't it be cool as all get out to be flying from Yland to Yland?..." and then I started really thingking... Engines... check Propeller Pack... check Flying mechanics.... check Vehicle building mechanics... check... Floating "propeller driven" platforms... check... Car chassis with "built in" car mechanics... check... "By Golly" I thought to myself.... "these are all of the elements of what one would need to build a basic HELICOPTER!!" Now... I know all of you (me included) purists will say... "that would be waaay to easy to Yland"... "it would make ships obsolete"... etc, etc... Humor me and imagine this, if you will... A very end game, and expensive to build, "basic" helicopter platform... much like the car chassis... where you could build "freely" with basic bits... just like the car... you would need an engine... a cockpit, and the chassis... the rest is then up to you... Imagine a flying exploration vehicle equipped with chests and such... you could use this to go on "harvesting" runs to get that pesky saltpeter... or just hop to the tropical Yland to harvest more rubber (I know you can replant the trees)... There would be limitations, of course, such as... it's engine powered... you need to fuel it or run the risk of splashing down in the middle of nowhere... I mean... think about it... once the devs allow us to cart around "mobile entities" like horses or cars on our ships... you could build a landing pad and land the copter on your ship... sail near an island and then fly to it... anywho... here is to active imaginations and hoping right...