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Found 2 results

  1. Hunter-Over-Fire

    New Weapons

    I someday would love to see some new broad swords, long swords,and huge mythical looking ones. I also would like to see more new ranged weaponry such as a new handgun type or two. One thing that does not exist in Ylands yet is some sort of automatic ranged weapon.
  2. Hi all, some google translate here and forward, so be gentle Just done huge testing and here the BFT (big f*g tables) with in-game values for all weapons. I really want this numbers will change. It's my polygon btw Let's GO MELEE WEAPONS There are fast and slow weapons. Slow weapons do 40% more damage but 40% slower then their fast version. SO DPM IS EQUAL! There maybe some fluctuation in numbers, but 5 minute war hammer and war axe showed almost equal numbers with 200 points in difference No difference in material and weapon class. Equal dmg to wood/stone/metal with hammer and axe. Except Piercing Type!!! Almost All blocks have piercing resistance. MELEE DAMAGE FOR 1 HIT NAME TYPE MIN MAX CHARACTERS FISTS INTERNAL Crushing 8 12 BROKEN SWORD Slashing 10 10 STONE Crushing 10 10 STICK Crushing 10 10 PRACTICE SWORD Slashing 20 23 STONE KNIFE Slashing 20 23 PHARAOH SCEPTER Crushing 29 33 WOODEN CLUB Crushing 29 33 WOODEN SPEAR Piercing 29 33 UMBRELLA Crushing 29 33 WALKING STICK Crushing 29 33 CANDY CANE CLUB Crushing 29 33 WOODEN PITCHFORK Piercing 29 33 TORCH Crushing 29 33 BURNING TORCH Fire 29 33 CACTUS CLUB Crushing 29 33 EGYPTIAN DAGGER Slashing 30 34 BUSH KNIFE Slashing 30 34 FROST KNIFE Cold 30 34 IRON KNIFE Slashing 30 34 STONE AXE Slashing 30 34 STONE SPEAR Piercing 43 48 STONE MACE Crushing 44 50 EGYPTIAN SICKLE SWORD Slashing 50 56 IRON HATCHET Slashing 50 56 IRON SWORD Slashing 50 56 IRON AXE Slashing 50 56 IRON MACHETE Slashing 50 56 WAR AXE Slashing 60 68 TOMAHAWK Slashing 60 68 WOODSMAN'S AXE Slashing 60 68 FROST SWORD Cold 60 68 P-AXE Slashing 60 68 STEEL SWORD Slashing 60 60 SABER Slashing 60 68 KATANA Slashing 60 68 CRUDE YLANDIUM SWORD Slashing 70 70 IRON PITCHFORK Piercing 71 80 FROST SPEAR Cold 71 80 IRON SPEAR Piercing 71 80 CROWBAR Crushing 73 82 IRON PIPE Crushing 73 82 IRON MACE Crushing 73 82 IRON LANCE Piercing 86 97 SANTA'S SPEAR Cold 86 97 WAR HAMMER Crushing 88 99 PISTON HAMMER Crushing 88 99 YLANDIUM SWORD Slashing 90 90 MASTERCRAFTED YLANDIUM SWORD Slashing 120 120 RANGED WEAPONS No range in dmg, strong numbers. Almost all do 1 dmg to objects. DAMAGE FOR 1 HIT NAME DMG DMG OBJECTS WOODEN CROSSBOW 35 1 WOODEN CROSSBOW PISTOL 35 1 FLINTLOCK PISTOL 40 1 FLINTLOCK MUSKET 40 1 REPEATING RIFLE 40 1 IRON CROSSBOW 50 1 IRON CROSSBOW PISTOL 50 1 DOUBLE-BARRELED REVOLVER 50 1 REVOLVER 50 1 BLUNDERBUSS 50 1 DOUBLE-BARRELED SHOTGUN 70 10 BOLT-ACTION RIFLE 80 20 PUMP-ACTION SHOTGUN 80 20 All Canons and grenades ~8000 dmg (one shot for tesla towers - only 4000 hp, if you know what am I about ) How to use it all? Just do some math. All numbers for hp you can find in editor. Brown Bear 300 hp, shoot him with revolver - 300/50=6 hits. Ta-da you are awesome! Its more random with melee but somewhere near: Alpha mutated bear 600 hp, kill him with war hammmer - 600/94 = 6.3 = 7 hits CREDITS Thanks for inspiring me, guys: @Dustoori for this topic @vforventura for this reply