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Found 1 result

  1. GrandPunkRailroad

    Whaling in the deep sea

    Others have proposed whales, harpoons, and deep sea adventure before, I’m just synthesizing those ideas. (You know who you are). There’s an opportunity for the deep sea which we encounter at the border to be expanded further. Maybe 500 blocks or so. First the ocean floor could be dropped to the basement layer. Corals and veg could be dropped out. Maybe a few super rare and scattered resources could be on this deep ocean floor (requiring deep diving to obtain). Second as another had suggested, the weather out there could be cranked up, making fewer glorious sunny days more rare, and making spotting whale spouts more difficult. Thirdly, whales. Maybe a few different models, mos def a super rare gargantuan white one... All should only have a rare chance to find. They also should have some cosmetic obtainable items that could be harvested. Blubber oil for fuel perhaps, but big bones, skull, or trophy type items for sure. The harpoon should be hand throwable and have a craftable shooting variant. Both with a rope that could be tied to the ship. My feeling for how whales should be exciting to capture and haul would be for whales to require a few harpoons to be attached to it before they could be tied to the ship and then killed. Then the whale would have to be hauled back to a shallow water to be consumable (knife?) into components. Hauling whales back makes this an adventure. If it slowed the boat a little, and if the whale has a small percent ~2.5-5% chance of sharks attacking it, the player would have to be vigilant and defend their haul on the way back, to avoid a portion of it being consumed by sharks. Whale behavior could be 90% submerged 10% emergent. There could be some small pods of two or three whales. Whales would have to travel on a straight line, ‘cause steering a ship while harpooning an animal on a variable course would be difficult in single player. If a player spotted a whale, acquired it’s course, and then the whale submerged, the player could assume the course, wait and watch, and over time the whale would emerge along the same course. This all seems exciting to me as an expansion of the interesting possibilities for acquiring uncommon loot to display, and also highlights a possible adventure that would fit into this awesome world you’ve created.