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New Adventures option


I made a throw away comment on another thread, but  now see that it could  be more to  make the  game  last longer and  even more enjoyable.

The idea is to add a "New Adventure" option which is  grayed out and only  becomes active after you have found and visited every Yland in your  game, or when a new function/upgrade is introduced  that requires a new game  restart.

This  new button would  ask you to travel to your base  you have  established, and  when ready click a  button... the   game  would  then  keep and save  your  base  island  and  you, with all its  buildings  and crafting's etc ...and then generate a new world  map ... for you to discover and explore,   which  has all the  enhancements of  the  updates  etc.  ( including  new  beasties:D )

This would mean that Ylands  could become an "open ended" game,  that is  continually  expanding and  introducing  new stuff... as your  adventures   evolve.     You  start  as a castaway, like  now with basic  tools etc and  eventually after say 3 new adventure  restarts,  you get  more modern  things to craft,  like flight/planes  rail transport....submarines  etc  ...and  different  building materials.

Also  new resources   could be added  in  the  advanced  games/adventures   as well as  NPC's that  could be  toggled as  peaceful  or  aggressive. Imagine  having  to   attack  hostile  NPC's on an  Yland to be able to  invade  and earn certain resources .. this would appeal to those types of players who  like to  kill everyone/everything:P

Again . i stress the new  adventure  option  becomes  available only  after you have  explored  fully  your  current game,  or   when the  Developers  introduce  new  features  etc  that would  normally require a new game/world map.

Let's  vote this  suggestion up -  and  maybe it might be adopted ... if so, I think  Ylands  would rapidly overtake  all other similar  survival games  :D




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