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RESOLVED A couple of bugs


disclaimer - I'm aware it's pre-release, I'm not complaining or want anyone to spend time trying to sort any of my files, it's just a list which can be ignored or maybe bring attention to something xD


- When playing yesterday I realised if I used the Ylandium power pack (only used the large 600 version not tried the others) to recharge the mining drill and I had the packs in a stack, afterwards the whole stack would just be a single depleted pack, luckily I learned this with the cube and not actually crafting properly which would have been emotional haha
- Some items appear in front of their names when hovered in the inventory such as dirt

- When hovering in inventory I often get text over the preview, my first game it was the strange skull text even though I not longer had the item, the text just appeared over other items preview image

- In editor mode I clicked my character and it moved at light speed so I had no idea where it had gone, this save file no longer loads in explore mode, I assume because my character has vanished far from that world

- I've also had other common reported ones like the ladders on the boats falling and sending me into the floor/not allowing the boat to move

- The white dot in the middle of my screen seems often pointless, most tools aim in the green cross that appears above and too the left of it making going in a straight line when mining (especially with the mining drill) extremely hard, and trying to fill in mistake with dirt often results in a massive overfill 

- Container inventories overhang the window, resolution is fine and it's full screen but any adjustment seems to make no difference, just hangs off the left side of the screen


Other little niggles I've seen the same or similar mentioned elsewhere are

Obviously the compass people have mentioned, the maps not overly detailed and sense of direction is confusing especially at sea 

The map in game cleared as soon as I used the editor which was a bit frustrating

Being able to aim directly down would be nice, I have to dig at angles to make a straight drop

Water is honestly terrifying, I tried to fill a moat and flooded my island instead with some water looking like floating jelly in the air at random locations and not much water still in the moat and digging the ground under water does all kinds of magic 

The tools logic goes a big crazy sometimes (or might be my logic) flattening the floor in what would be a basement dug into a cave and the area clipped a section near a wall which just flattened a triangle if a mountain leaving a hole down to my basement like a space laser had been fired at me

Going 2 metres into a cave causes blackout even though the cave has a massive opening so should be light in there

The mining hat's light is useful but would be nice to have a control for it because when it decides to turn on and off seems really random and confusing

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All mentioned issues should be fixed in current version of the game (except the water where we removed the physics completely so it is no longer possible).

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