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Expanded World Generation

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So I've seen people wanting to have an endless, continouisly generated world. There's probably a reason they didn't do that to begin with. Savegame bloating? Lag? Who knows.

Well, we've been having a discussion on the Steam forums about this. Seeing as these forums are more active than the Steam forums, I wanted to re-post what ideas we got here. This is 1:1 copied from http://steamcommunity.com/app/298610/discussions/0/1697167803861642679/


Good idea yeah. Thanks.

Which gives me an idea. Why not automate this process.
It may be complicated to include so many ylands in a single world, that's okay.
But here's the idea: Use the grid map.

Take one world, Use it as one piece in a grid. When you sail out of bounds ("There is only blue sea from here"), it will load up a loading screen and automatically copy-paste you in a newly generated world*. "Non-active" worlds should hereby be hidden in the selection menu. So say you sail out of the south end of your world, you should appear at the north end of the next world. Use the equivalent for N, E, W.

The issue, what about diagonal sailing? You could just use the area to that direction, but technically a grid square does not touch the diagonal squares around it. Here we would need some kind of "tolerance zone, giving it edges towards diagonal worlds. This would essentially mean we get Hexagonal map grids. Complicated? Yes.

So that idea is all fun and good but sort of complicated. A much easier way to do it would be adding "world portals" to the game. Basically just a portal to another world. These might be structures found on high sea, and there should be mutliple in each world.

What do you think? Just daydreaming here really. I will be posting this on the official forums however, see what they think.


*: Maybe add a hotkey for travel, or a "turn around" timer so you don't accidentally trigger this.

Edited by Migelthesloth

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Great idea in theory, would crash the game in practice.

Might work for SP, however in MP/DS Games this would cause untold amounts of lagg.. as a DS Operator i don't want to deal with that nightmare, not until everything is fixed MP side.

Coming from MP side, since the game is ideally wanting to be tuned for 8~10 players, having seamless worlds doesn't make sense, if you went exploring, you probably never see anyone again..making it effectively a SP game..

having 8~10 players with around 12 islands is probably the sweet spot in this case.

There has been talk making the edges of world teleport you to the opposite end of the map when you cross them, which would work quite well i think


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I was coming on the forum to post pretty the same idea, add square map connected each other by a side and perhaps add a big map only updating the square where you are curently.

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