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Protect your protection barrier!

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When you place out  your protection barrier,  do not  leave it unattended while   you  check it  boundaries. We have had  i case and one attempted  case of  someone  hiding nearby ..racing out and stealing it before  its turned on. In the first case the  thief  swam off with it  but  ran into  Bruce the shark ..and the owner was able to retrieve their PB  from the  shallow water after persuading  Bruce to leave:D

The second   attempt  occurred when my back was turned  for a minute and someone  jumped  from the water and ran towards the  not yet activated  PB    ...  however i  beat them to it and turned it on....   they  then  fled.

Sooo.  be wary... check who is online   first   ( use   enter /who ) and make sure no ones nearby to pilfer  your  barrier.

This is not a new thing ..i once   found someone deceased  by wolf ..next to a  wicker basket  ...inside the basket  were  4  Protection barriers  that were not his:o


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And it's purely a griefing tactic.  You can't place a barrier that isn't yours.  I have tried.   No, I wasn't griefing.  I found one on a much earlier server that had been abandoned for a couple of weeks real time.  I decided to try it.  I couldn't place it, couldn't turn it on.  And I couldn't destroy it.  I ended up throwing it overboard on a deep ocean voyage, hoping it wouldn't glitch that part of the ocean.

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