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Empty bird nest changing to eggs/feathers


I realise that this is indeed an intentional mechanic in the game, how empty bird nests will "respawn" eggs and feathers.

However, this is causing me some problems. I wish to use an empty bird nest in a particular scenario where it is to remain empty, but it has now become impossible as over time the nest will "respawn" eggs/feathers which I don't want.

It is my suggestion that there is a checkbox option in Editor that allows users to select whether or not the nest regenerates eggs and/or feathers or to stay empty.

It would also be particularly handy, in my case, that there be an option for the nests to be pickable or unpickable too.

In fact, it would be great if all items have both of these options available - why do only some items?

Edited by handofthesly

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