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Time for a rethink...

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Our help areas are becoming  too helpful:|

Firstly,  let me thank the  no-brainer who used  the axes and saws from the  help area to cut  down 90% of the surrounding trees ...what you did was to supply us with more than enough logs to build  3  ships to replace the one you stole from a newly arrived player.:P

Also thank you for  filling the tool boxes up with the broken tools ...we can dismantle them and  re-use the  metal piecesB|.  All the wood pieces  you dumped around the base...well, they will help refuel my  new  steamship:D

The piles of  dirt used  as a wall around the outside of another players  PB barrier will make a really  neat  safe harbor when  flattened a little, and  landscaped.

Sadly though  you killed  all the tamed horses withing the  help area....well the  meat and hides  can be useful in helping  genuine new arrivals.

What did you earn?   Well  no respect, and a perma-ban  on this server :D

So what do we do to help new arrivals?

We tried  an experiment with a NPC at spawn  giving out  useful items  ) flints rope   grass clothing  etc) to new arrivals  who care to trade. there are lots of    magic  bushes around and the NPC trade accepts the  blossom readily. All you   have to do is   forage and  collect  some to trade for basic   items.  Putting things out in chests  doesn't  work ...someone takes the lot! This  NPC idea has merit ...and  will need to be  refined and expanded..as well as hoping the  new arrivals  read the signs  and  take advantage of the   things on offer.

What about the new Help areas?  well   some people appreciate them and  give thanks and help restock items. Some  take  just the basic stuff  (  spade hammer  clothing  lantern  axe..) and then craft their own stuff not asking  for  any more help. They soon have  splendid. bases of their own  

Some will  take a pink dinghy ,  some  food  and a fishing rod and map ..and   seek  another island. Some even leave a "thank you" message

And sadly  most will  just  use all the workstations,  take  all the  nearby resources ... and  leave  refuse etc around to ruin it  for other newcomers . They  do not  build a base,  just sponge and  use others  stuff.

So  what do  we do?

Well  the next  Help area will be  walled off,  save for a small alcove with just a  spinning  wheel,  weaving loom,  tannery and a smelter.  Maybe some  flints   and  other materials  scattered around to  gather. perhaps   a coupe  of  NPC's  who will trade items  like spades axes  etc  and  clothing ... and some fishing rods,  a  small pier and some pink dinghys  (  i like pink ..:D ..also its easier  for us to find your  body after a shark has had a meal..).

All the other workstations will be behind a wall ...   protected with security items  so they  can  only be accessed byt those in the know.  The outer wall will be surrounded with sisal,  banana and  corn  for  food.

Jump over the wall ?...please do!  i want to see the  effects of a   Tesla  coil on someone in mid air :D

The  moral of this  story?  Play nice and fair. learn to craft and not be a nuisance.  People in the community will help  those who are useful to the  community.

learn to survive  and be social    :P

And  welcome to P! gaming!


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I do think a welcoming landing area at spawn has merit. I do agree it should be simple. Offering basic help, no more. On my not yet released map, i am putting out a few baskets with basic starter kit stuff. The beauty of this idea, is they are all one stack items, easily restocked. I think your idea of vendors for a starter amount of clay, iron, etc is good. These will be available and will allow serious players to get off spawn quickly. Where they will find friendly players like Kimbuck on nearby islands.

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