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Miguel Preguisa

[Help needed] Is input from Time Trigger a normal number?

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EDIT: My "unsolvable issue" was caused by me trying to get a better time than 0.0 seconds on a track ? Changed zero to 100.000 and everything works as intended ?


Here is a snip from a script I'm putting together. But I hit a problem that I can't seem to solve :S 


This IF [ IF - ELSE ] seems to be stuck on the second IF

It works if I delete the whole

IF (GET TOTAL ELAPSED TIME Time trigger #01:NameoftheTT < variable)

I think it could be because the Editor maybe doesn't see the Time Trigger output as a standard number and it's unable to compare its output (seconds in 00.000 format) to a 0 (starting variable value I've set in Global Storage on the game start). I found this on the Ylands wiki but it seems to be an obsolete piece of script that no longer exists :/ 

Any help appreciated!

Edited by Miguel Preguisa
dummy edit

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