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cranial bone density

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Ie   ..referring to thickness of the skull and  how it  reduces   internal  space  for a  brain  ?

It seems   some  people  just  do not get it!   They  come to a  PVE game ...refuse to communicate,  "borrow"   other players    stuff to craft  armor  and a weapon .. then  try to  hit someone  ...  and when they find  its  does not work , then they sit in a corner and  sulk,  never to return,  yet we have to step around their discarded  bodies. Many  are  obviously  lazy,  not   ab le    or  willing to  understand  crafting  and  therefore  advance   in the game.

I wish there was some  way  that could be programmed  for   player's  avatars that have  not  been  active   for  say  3  days  and  not inside their  own PB   to  transport themselves  to a  designated morgue  area,  maybe a  small  islet.. where they can  decay and  not   interfere with the  gaming pleasure of  others.

I see so many  players  who  give up after the first  day ..and   infest  other players  builds..... and  never return to the game   except to repeat their  actions   next  update   or  new map release.

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