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Aleš Ulm

Sneak Peek #7

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Hi there, fellow ylanders!

So what has been going on with Ylands lately? Well, we thought that the upcoming update could use a couple more nice features, so instead of this week, when we originally planned on releasing it, you will get it during the following one.

What are those cool things that you may look forward to? One of our great programmers, Lukas, has created a cool new “free camera” that you can use to capture screenshots (or, with the help of an external tool, capture some cool video). Not only you can move it manually anywhere you want to at the speed you set, but you can script it so that it interpolates between two (or more) saved positions or speeds up or slows down during the movement - so now those Machinima 101 classes you’ve been taking finally will come in handy! 


Also, we weren’t happy enough with the visualization of the items focused in the world and their interactions, so you can expect something new and more slick!
And that's it for this week - looking forward to seeing you the next one and in the meantime, you stay classy, ylanders!

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