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Question: When updating something you posted to the workshop, does the file name need to be the same?

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Question: When updating something you posted to the workshop, does the file name need to be the same?

Does anything else need to be the same?

@Adam Snellgrove can you check with someone in the office who knows (if you have a sec). 

Edited by RedEagle_P1.

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Yes, if you are uploading a whole new version, the GUID must be same which means if your previous .yca file was named World.yca then next must be either World.yca or World(1).yca, if you name it like Anotherworld.yca, you cannot upload it as a new version of the same scenario, you have to upload it as a completely new asset + you must write something in the changelog + you CANNOT use any already existing name on workshop .... if you only update (pictures, thumbnails etc) you can change whatever you like. Hopúe this helps ?

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