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Adam Snellgrove

Interview Ynterview #8 - Jan

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Every week we'll bring you an Ynterview with a member of our Ylands team. In this week's Ynterview we talk to the project lead himself: Jan Herodes

Ynterview Jan Herodes.png

First off, what do you do here at the Ylands team and what’d you do before you joined?
I am Project Lead and came from the mobile development department to Ylands.

How long have you worked on Ylands? What was the 1st thing you worked on when you joined?
Something around 3 and half years and I started with defining the backend features and how to make the game multi-platform. 

What do you find most exciting on Ylands in general?
There are two aspects – platform and visual. As a platform – Ylands has amazing potential. It opens up a lot of possibilities for creators what to do inside of our ecosystem. And visual – I do like this style.

And what is for you the most exciting feature coming in the near future?
Cameras. Definitely. Freedom with the camera setup is crucial for the creation of other types of games, which we’ll hopefully see in our workshop soon.

What are you working on right now?
Just boring stuff – as a project guy I am not working on something that sounds cool. Now I am finalizing the administrative we need for all stores and coordinating all game details with other departments both inside of our company and externally.

What was the most difficult thing to implement to date?
To keep the game up to date from the technology point of view. It’s the biggest challenge of all game projects that are in development for more than a few years.

What do you do in your free time?
I spend most of my free time with my family and trying to play rugby again.

Which villain do you sympathise with the most? Thanos, Sauron, Darth Vader or Hans Gruber?
Darth Vader.

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