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Edit respawn point / building + bugs


I didn't find a way to change our respawn point and it can be tedious or impossible to go back where you were before dying
If for example you're on another island than the starting one.
Maybe it could be possible to respawn at the last bed you slept in as it is in like many games ?

Also is it currently possible to get your stuff back when you die ? Like going back to where you died to pick back your stuff
I'm not sure it's the case at the moment, but certainly not in the sea 

And I did my first ship with a catamaran today, I though I did it right but it was going backward during the whole trip
So maybe something to indicate the front and back on ships and sail (cause maybe I built my sail backward, I have no idea)
Either with an arrow or a front/back on the item that would disappear once you placed it

I also came accross many crashes when during a lag I felt of the boat and had to swim to catch it, each time I'd get close to it my game would freeze and close 
It didn't happened to my friend tho, so we were able to catch our ship back.
(If that helps we play on a sharegame)

And I do quite like the building system for its many possibilities even if it's a bit long
But I think you really should get a way to pick up the things you put down even after the timer cause it can really ruin the building experience
I couldn't find any way to remore a misplaced saloon door and I could simply go through it and not really open/close it, I'm not sure it's supposed to do that ? ?

Did you plan to add a stall door so we can build proper stables for our horses ? That would be amazing! I don't really know what to use now

I think that's the main things I had in mind and the problems I had so far!

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Thanks for the suggestions, I'll get to them in more detail tomorrow, but as for the respawn, you should be able to set a respawn point to a bed you slept in (but it has to be a bed, not just a sleeping pad). And items should stay where you dropped them. But I'll check on all this tomorrow ?

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Okay, I'm not sure why it didn't worked for me  for the beds.

I've had many many crashes that didn't happen before the last update
I wanted to share the data directory but I couldn't find them (screen provided) nor in the Yland_data folder
I tried to check the local files and steam didn't find any problems 

Just to precise, I play with one friend on a sharegame survival and she doesn't have any of these crashes and my laptop is better than hers 
(tried to lower the graphics but didn't help)
The freeze + crash comes no matter what I do, even if I don't move within 30sec - a few minutes

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