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Sandstone is Different


Sandstone used to be my favorite building block.  I used to have such a nice warm golden glow when you had a fireplace.  Now... flat.  Nothing special.  The first picture is the new sandstone.  The other three are examples of the warm light you could achieve.

I do love the new look of the world.  But the charm of some of my favorite building blocks are gone.  Sand, ice.  Now flat and not special at all.  





Edited by bojo2736

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Lighting in general is a problem for me in 0.15.  It's generally way too bright, or the wrong color.  I wish we could have a slider somehow that allowed us to adjust it.  One light is not bright enough, two likes is like ground zero.  

I like to design using various lighting as well as building block. This has always been an issue.  But the things that I used to manipulate light are changed and worthless.  Glowing mushrooms used to provide a nice subtle light that you could place and emphasize items, like sliding it behind a painting, or under a chair.  Now it barely casts light.

Ice used to provide a nice diffused light. Now it's a flat block that doesn't look good in any application.

Sandstone... I just don't even know how to express how disappointed I am that this material has been changed.

Bottom line, and yes I know it can't be done now, but we need more lighting options.  With the ability in game to control both brightness and the color of the light.  In game, not just in the editor.  

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