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Suggestion - More editor items and building items


We have several NPC's with items for sale. It would be awesome if more of the editor items that we can't craft would be available to purchase from a NPC vendor. There are several items that we can't craft that we are able to find in the game, such as paintings, teapots, coffee cups, plates and so on. However, I've never run across any of the pots and pans or the ladle or crowbar and several others in the game. If those items can be available to purchase, that would be awesome! I don't know about coding or scripting, but it seems since some are available, others could be too without breaking the coding. 

Other building items that I would love to see would be a refrigerator that we can store food in. You could even require ice as one of the building blocks to craft it. I would also like to see the small red kitchen cabinets available with a shelf and glass door. Speaking of doors, how about a glass door or screen door? Those would be cool as we could see through them. 

And the availability to purchase a protective barrier. Unless you have a different solution for replacing the ones that have been lost when clearing game progress. Thank you for working so hard on exploration in this game!! 

Edited by SandyT
Asking additional question: Has anyone found a vendor that does sell the pots and pans? I did find a crowbar from one vendor.
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