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Full Gamepad Support


Based on the recent news about huge update 2.0 (de facto game restart), after 2+ years I installed Ylands again to give them another try. But hey - still not gamepad friendly, after all those years. Why?

Ylands are presented as a casual exploring survival - so I want to sit back on my chair and relax playing casualy with gamepad. Which I can't. This issue held me and still holds me back from playing it, really.

Menu navigation and item use doesn't work, I didn't find any button map to orient myself (Journal open 'B' button is on 'RT' trigger - really?)

 Not even mentioning, that if I tried use PS3 controller just to verifiy that nothing is wrong with my Xbox gamepad, I was suprised that Sony button symbols are not supported (still there are A,B,X,Y buttons displayed). Please, it would not be that hard to fix it in Unity, or not?

NB - I am not free to play gamer - I bought game directly from BI website even before it was available on Steam.

Edited by Joshua_X

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Ahoy, @Joshua_X,

Thanks for the question. We are actively working on it as we are aware of its current state, and want it to be the best it can be, so stay tuned! :) 

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