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Harpoon Hanna

No baskets for my boat....why?

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That's ma boat. All my baskets are now full and my pockets are stuffed, but now I can't add a wicker basket to the primitive boat. I can free place an inventory item, but not a crafted item. What am I doing wrong? It used to work.


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You need to put the ship into construction/edit mode first by holding Q while looking at the helm. If you join the Official Ylands Discord you can get answers to questions a lot faster usually than here, much bigger active community over there!

Edited by handofthesly

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Yeah, that's the thing. There is no option for construction or build mode anymore. I can enter free place mode that's it, which means you cannot place anything, it's just red. There WAS an option, but I guess a patch killed my primitive boat. That's okay.

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I think you are trying to place it outside of the build limit for the primitive ship, it looks like you have made an extra platform off the back of it. Unfortunately if you built it in editor it doesn't stop you from building past this limit so when you bring it into adventure mode you can't place new stuff that far away from the hull. If you take it back into editor and make the changes you want and then update the blueprint then it will work though.

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