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2.3 Elven Expeditions - Changelog

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Random Encounter Objectives

We improved random encounters so now you are able to keep track of RE objective progress. We hope it will motivate you and your friends to explore ylands even more now.

Luring lighthouse

A new chapter of the story takes you to the Monsoonal region where strange things started happening. Could this have something to do with the arrival of elves into the region? It is up to you (and Horatio Reginald Elmwood, of course) to find out what's going on! 


You can finally play Ylands with a gamepad, including an aim-assist support to help you during combat.

New Random Encounters created by community

Ross Bob had a makeover by our community. In each Region, you can find new stalls, galleries, and houses made for Ross Bob!

Quality of life improvements

You may now use the free-placing feature for your blueprints, it can be freely rotated and snaped to ground at your will. Medieval House in Random Encounter 103 contained obsolete variants of paintings so we replaced them with pieces done by a more talented painter.

EDITOR improvements:

  • Polished ease of use of input fields throughout the editor.
  • Merged Terrain and Advanced Terrain Tools and split Game Logics into Basic Logics and Script Logics.
  • Custom Enums are now a standalone Visual Script Category.
  • Custom Localizations basic workflow introduced - create your own localization tables for custom games.
  • Positions and Rotations in Visual Scripting reworked to be more intuitive.
  • New Project Browser makes searching and opening Editor Scenarios much easier.


New Assets


  • Highland Cow
  • Pinewood Owlbison
  • Magic Gardener
  • Ancient Hunter
  • Ancient Huntress
  • Territorial Merman
  • Territorial Mermaid
  • Infested Elf
  • Infested She-elf
  • Animated Knight Armor
  • Animated Samurai Armor
  • Drowned Deckhand
  • Drowned Canonneeres


  • Rhinoceros Armor Set
  • Gunslinger Armor Set
  • Starcharter Clothes Set
  • Moonseeker Mask
  • Voidsmith Mask
  • Fardreamer Mask


  • Alien Bow
  • Orichalcum Saw
  • Cow Bait
  • Pinewood Owlbison Bait


  • Chess Pieces
  • Checker Piece
  • Domino Pieces
  • 6-sided Dice
  • Additional Roman Numeral Blocks
  • Elven Statue
  • Elven Carpet
  • Elven Painting
  • Elven Quipu
  • Elven Astrolabe
  • Asset Changes
  • Cave Mushrooms changed names and now can be cut down with a knife, plus they yield useful resources
  • Cave Plants changed names and now can be cut down with a knife

Additions / Removed

[YLD-47555] Added: Character actions that take longer for the character to do will no longer use the progress bar to visualize the progress, instead utilizing the hints with hold progress visuals. Floating hints should also no longer overlap the hotbar under specific camera angles.
[YLD-49572] Added: Created a Diary event condition for a new event guiding the player to create a Torch - NIGHTFALL NECESSITIES.
[YLD-50244] Added: Inventory can now display details of items in the hotbar (if the user navigates over them via gamepad).
[YLD-51145] Added: When placing BP that is not vehicle it is possible to switch to between grid/freeplacing.
[YLD-51809] Added: Completion Achievement for Luring lighthouse yland.
[YLD-49676] Added: VS: Get Recipe Node <entity type>.
[YLD-49911] Added: VS: Alt+T keybind to switch between expression/statement variant of the same script tile.
[YLD-49933] Added: VS: ternary operator ? : (expression if <condition> then <return if true> else <return if false>.
[YLD-50188] Added: VS: + in Set variable script tile will add automatically tile of variable's type.
[YLD-50220] Added: VS: Format string <format> <arg 1> ... <arg n> script tile.
[YLD-50382] Added: VS: On shear/milk events.
[YLD-50864] Added: VS: Get Screen DPI script tile.
[YLD-51595] Added: VS: Warning when you use Get local player before local player is fully initialized/available.
[YLD-51628] Added: VS: "Reset fade" argument to Camera fade in/out script tiles.

[YLD-49913] Added: Editor: Items now shows both buy and sell price in properties window.
[YLD-49916] Added: Editor: Percentage resistance next to resistance value in properties window.
[YLD-50155] Added: Editor: Game logic template now supports "referenced" variant.
[YLD-50619] Added: Editor: You can multiselect in Object explorer with mouse by holding SHIFT key.
[YLD-50620] Added: Editor: "Public scripts" property to script modules so it is now easier to test/debug their exported version.
[YLD-50739] Added: Editor: You can now set "selected color" for buttons in Custom HUD/Window layout editor.
[YLD-51731] Added: Editor: Ability to disable "switching variants" while placing.

Added: Pinewood Owlbison Mythical Animal Random Encounter (Taiga Region).
Added: Winning competition entries based Ros Bobb (painting vendor) Random Encounters for each Region.
Added: Project Browser.

[YLD-49891] Removed: Editor: "Simple" editor view with text buttons in top header.
[YLD-49912] Removed: Editor: Highlight of group entities when group is edited.
[YLD-50413] Removed: Editor: Use Playlands equipment toggle from Player role.
Removed: Hostile Native Random Encounters. Replaced with a set of Ancient Hunter Random Encounters.


[YLD-42904] Tweaked: Milk/Shear ready text overlaps animal's name.
[YLD-45540] Tweaked: Take all button in containers now adds items directly to inventory containers.
[YLD-49303] Tweaked: Alpaca light attack is a bit slower.
[YLD-49304] Tweaked: Unique Golem charge attack to other attack animations.
[YLD-49312] Tweaked: Golem light attack less twitchy on the end. Changed also combat idle pose to remove twitchiness.
[YLD-49313] Tweaked: Changed lizard light attack to be a little bit slower.
[YLD-49314] Tweaked: Crablin has a little longer Light Attack animation.
[YLD-49314] Tweaked: Ostrich Light Attack animation is a bit longer.
[YLD-49316] Tweaked: Penguin light attack is a bit slower.
[YLD-49317] Tweaked: Longer windup in Golem heavy attack animation.
[YLD-49318] Tweaked: Changed Lizard heavy attack to have more visible preparation.
[YLD-49322] Tweaked: Rhino Heavy Attack has a longer preparation phase (by 10 frames) and a different attack style to be easy readable.
[YLD-49331] Tweaked: Wolverine use Special Attack animation for Heavy Attack.
[YLD-49332] Tweaked: Golem special attack has a visible preparation.
[YLD-49778] Tweaked: Adjusted the priority of interactible entities when focusing entities, so that the ones that provide an interaction are focused more often that those without any interactions. One specific case where it should help is focusing the ladders on your ships.
[YLD-50598] Tweaked: Color of animal's/monster's text in chat is now same as color of NPC's text.
[YLD-50694] Tweaked: 3D selection tool previews selection more frequently now.
[YLD-50703] Tweaked: You can not reference entities from blueprints in scripts. (protection of those blueprints).
[YLD-50793] Tweaked: Optimized the Sort Inventory button. It should no longer allocate tens of megabytes of memory and should be substantially faster.
[YLD-50869] Tweaked: Removed the Unsummon button from the Pets screen. Previously it was showing everywhere, even on currently not-summoned pets which, while it worked, was confusing. Now the only place on the Pets screen where you'll still find the Unsummon button is if you click the currently summoned pet.
[YLD-51048] Tweaked: Wolf Pet animation slightly changed hand position to touch wolf on flat terrain. Dog pet point set closer so the character hands have contact with dog (only on flat terrain).
[YLD-51955] Tweaked: Hide previous notification if the new one is the same.
[YLD-51966] Tweaked: Steam pack descriptions so that the new lines are easier to read and do not overlap the images.
[YLD-52005] Tweaked: Collectibles that are part of Steam DLCs will now be displayed in the in-game shop upon purchasing a DLC.

[YLD-50187] Tweaked: VS: + button in Set array at index will now add script tile of array's type.
[YLD-50976] Tweaked: VS: In explorer Search in dropdown is now set to "Script tiles" by default.
[YLD-51094] Tweaked: VS: Animals can have quite big reaction time to a Move to target script tile.

[YLD-49887] Tweaked: Editor: Teleporting player on maps with no terrain streaming now does not need to start loading.
[YLD-49918] Tweaked: Editor: Preview of placed object is now shown next to a mouse cursor.
[YLD-49945] Tweaked: Editor: 2D game logic icons and transform widgets are bigger on 4K screens.
[YLD-50004] Tweaked: Editor: Names of text sizes after adding new Medium large size.
[YLD-50005] Tweaked: Editor: Enum values like Text size / Audible distance are now sorted by their value (instead of sorting by name).
[YLD-50321] Tweaked: Editor: Colorized game logic icons in the game logic panel.
[YLD-50348] Tweaked: Editor: Animals with disabled interaction will not show shear/milk ready text now.
[YLD-50421] Tweaked: Editor: Sliders in properties window now work also in multiselection.
[YLD-50440] Tweaked: Editor: Scale widget is more responsive now in Basic shapes tool.
[YLD-50486] Tweaked: Editor: Position/rotation should get updated live when moving objects by drag and drop / using widgets.
[YLD-50582] Tweaked: Editor: Promote ENUMS sub-category to main category.
[YLD-51861] Tweaked: Editor: Error information about referencing objects which will be destroyed by Object templates on export.

Tweaked: Implementation in story section so that it's better equipped to detect whether the reward page should be displayed. The section code now also has some idea of where the chapters actually start.
Tweaked: Added source elements for Cave and Mushroom Roots thus making them blueprintable.
Tweaked: Cave Mushrooms renamed and rebalanced.
Tweaked: Changed Ostrich Charge attack animation to be less intense.
Tweaked: Changed Rabbit heavy attack animation now feels stronger. Changed distance of attack not to go through player.
Tweaked: Changed style of Wolf charge attack to be different from other attacks.
Tweaked: Changed Wendigo Charge Attack animation to be different to other attacks.
Tweaked: Different animation of Stone Guardian's Heavy Attack. More powerful and longer windup.
Tweaked: Different animation of Swipe attack for Ocean Spirit with more power.
Tweaked: Distance of all Rabbit attacks is shorter not to clip through player.
Tweaked: Doubled amount of Energy Coil produced from one recipe.
Tweaked: Elven bow's accuracy and draw time nerfed.
Tweaked: Engineer Vendor now also offers Sulphur Chunks and Rubber Slabs.
Tweaked: Farmer's Revenge spread and effective range significantly nerfed.
Tweaked: Flint Chunk gets more visible models.
Tweaked: Horse Charge Attack is different to heavy attack.
Tweaked: Horse Light Attack visually better transition to combat idle.
Tweaked: Longer Undead Heavy Attack, added side variants for Undead's Heavy and Light attack.
Tweaked: An Undead Charge Attack is different from a Heavy Attack.
Tweaked: New Hyena Charge Attack not a copy of Light Attack.
Tweaked: Penguin has longer Heavy Attack, different animation with more impact.
Tweaked: Potion Ingredient tag removed.
Tweaked: Relict and Encounter Secrets given the No Catalog tag to prevent confusion in editor.
Tweaked: Rhino Swipe Attack animation has more powerful head swing and is longer by 15 frames.
Tweaked: Slower Heavy attack (by 10 frames).
Tweaked: Stone Guardian has different Charge Attack not a copy of heavy attack.
Tweaked: Terrorbird different heavy attack with head, polished leg movement.
Tweaked: Terrorbird isn't floating above ground on flat terrain.
Tweaked: Terrorbird legs and finger movement in light attack is more polished.
Tweaked: Terrorbird Swipe attack is now with legs to be different from heavy.
Tweaked: Wendigo Heavy Attack has longer, more visible windup phase.
Tweaked: Wendigo Swipe Attack is longer.
Tweaked: Wolverine special attack is different to light and heavy.


[YLD-19918] Fixed: Rake and Shovel animation made compatible with 2H holding for more natural look.
[YLD-29306] Fixed: Message System: whisper shows player's username in All message section.
[YLD-37944] Fixed: Scrolling the mobile inventory fully down before playing through the tutorial that has the player craft a stone axe no longer results in the tutorial flow being stuck until session reset.
[YLD-45920] Fixed: Blueprints might have some of their entities shifted when placed in universal scenarios (only applies to newly captured blueprints).
[YLD-48743] Fixed: Terrain Generation: weird cut off rocks appear on the edge of beaches.
[YLD-49520] Fixed: Ships: Camera starts moving by itself after traveling.
[YLD-49618] Fixed: Handbook rewards (manifested in Experimental): players with live progress still having unclaimed reward icon.
[YLD-49743] Fixed: NPC man/female cannot be selected as default value for entity type variables.
[YLD-49823] Fixed: Map generating: RE can be spawned on islets around the island.
[YLD-49859] Fixed: Portraits in social screen should no longer be offset and covering status icons.
[YLD-49867] Fixed: When players were charging an object that required inventory and was inside a container (e.g. a mining drill inside a toolbox), the inventory screen did not update correctly.
[YLD-49917] Fixed: Position of the text in the button of the research node is now correctly centered when using gamepad.
[YLD-49978] Fixed: Scrollbar in the mobile version of multiplayer settings popup is no longer super chonky.
[YLD-50154] Fixed: Layout in the feedback popup could get messed up when the input field got near to the character limit.
[YLD-50225] Fixed: You can not move properly when using rake.
[YLD-50227] Fixed: It should no longer be possible to close the crafting screen during the tutorial that teaches players how to craft the stone axe, which could get them stuck until session reset.
[YLD-50344] Fixed: Item notification will now correctly display custom colors of the picked up item, if it is painted.
[YLD-50609] Fixed: Particles not visible in inventory character preview.
[YLD-50617] Fixed: Gifting a blueprint from the Editor produces an error message if you didn't open the Shop first during the play session.
[YLD-50735] Fixed: Give players the collectibles that they were supposed to get from Handbook rewards.
[YLD-50813] Fixed: Integrity : broken terrain on particular explore map from 1.8.
[YLD-50834] Fixed: A handbook memory leak that would occur upon changing the active session (leaving a game into the main menu, changing a server etc.).
[YLD-50888] Fixed: Main menu: Back button leads from community games sub-categories to Main Menu.
[YLD-50909] Fixed: A null pointer reference when drag&dropping various corner-case stuff from your hotbar into equipment slots.
[YLD-51046] Fixed: Wolf clip into character when attacking too much.
[YLD-51054] Fixed: Wolf legs clip into eachother in walk, trot, run.
[YLD-51229] Fixed: Ship Wrecked Shenanigans event could not be completed if you already owned a ship after the first yland.
[YLD-51750] Fixed: Using saw on tree from BP will destroy original tree.
[YLD-52188] Fixed: The displayed cost for EP in the tech tree now shows correctly when discounted by partially unlocked nodes.
[YLD-52254] Fixed: Golem's lower body opens too much in Special Attack and Hit Reaction animations.
[YLD-52320] Fixed: Issue in hint sorting mechanism that could needlessly eat performance.

[YLD-50263] Fixed: VS: there is unnecessary ':' in chat window when showing bubble with hidden speaker.
[YLD-50664] Fixed: VS: Custom enum's names are shown in Upper case on script tiles.
[YLD-50901] Fixed: VS: Opening Transaction window from Dialog window does not work.
[YLD-50949] Fixed: VS: The Count instruction in visual scripting will no longer end in an infinite loop if it's starting from 1 and going towards -1 by increments of 1.
[YLD-50988] Fixed: VS: There is a wrong tile in context menu of variable of custom enum type.
[YLD-51374] Fixed: VS: Plus button of array setter tile adds a single value tile.
[YLD-51741] Fixed: VS: Changes to argument of copied function can affect argement of the original function.
[YLD-51816] Fixed: VS: Time trigger set to specific game hour fires when a scenario is launched in some cases.
[YLD-51968] Fixed: VS: Switch with all cases + default branch merged together breaks VS.
[YLD-52462] Fixed: VS: Count with does not work correctly in some situations. (when using language with decimal comma).

[YLD-42529] Fixed: Editor: It is not possible to change static camera position in properties window in Preview camera mode.
[YLD-49703] Fixed: Editor: Cut/paste of entities on vehicles does not work correctly.
[YLD-49822] Fixed: Editor: Trigger zones do not register some entities.
[YLD-50261] Fixed: Editor: It is possible to summon any animal with high base domestication level by any player.
[YLD-50317] Fixed: Editor: Objects in Object explorer are not sorted correctly when contextual search is active.
[YLD-50685] Fixed: Editor: Rotation and position changes to groups in hierarchy via custom tool script behaves incorrectly.
[YLD-50796] Fixed: Editor: "Death penalty" in Player role is not translated.
[YLD-51224] Fixed: Editor: Transform widget can be destroyed when you unload map part containing it.
[YLD-51257] Fixed: Editor: If you press RMB while editing shape in Shapes Tool then a gizmo deactivates (and cannot be reactivated).
[YLD-51659] Fixed: Editor: It is not possible to set Game time with "minutes" precision.
[YLD-51687] Fixed: Editor: Group templated do not ignore original group rotation. (the same way as Entity/GL templates do).
[YLD-51880] Fixed: Editor: Animated entities have wrong position in blueprint preview image.
[YLD-52405] Fixed: Editor: Updating Script modules with Image library does not work correctly.

Fixed: Alienflower should now be blueprintable.
Fixed: Current HP of some NPCs exceeds their maximum HP, resulting in looong healthbars.
Fixed: RE103 - Medieval House contains obsolete variants of paintings (replaced with pieces done by a more talented painter).
Fixed: Small twitch in Rhino's belly during light attack cleaned up.
Fixed: Vendor NPCs are not present in a newly created map until another day passes.

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