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Been very excited to play this after watching several you tubers play. I'm having some performance issues which I was unable to locate the cause for. Hoping this community has some suggestions. 

My current hardware is as follows: 


GTX 1080

32GB Memory

1920x1080 Gsync display

Unless i'm on low details I struggle to maintain even 60fps with frequent studders and drops. I've gone through every setting, and it seems shadows and HBAO affects the most. However with the hardware that i'm running I really doubt this should be the case. This happens in single player as well as mulitplayer. 

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This should be fine in current version of the game, there was a lot of optimization along the way.

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I'm playing with an average 100 fps, but have stuttering quite often. Maybe it's just a part of the game right now, and they will fix it in the future (It's EA after all). I'll let you know if I manage to fix it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

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