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Auto hotbar item placement

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Just a little thing, but it is spoiling the game for me. 

I am afraid that I have a real problem with the game placing items automatically in my hotbar.  How do I remove them and place them back into my inventory.  I have tried clicking and dragging them, and also control clicking and dragging, but it isn't working. 

I would appreciate any help you can give me.

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If your inventory is woring fine, i think if you just drag a non hotbar item that you would want in your hot bar, to that slot it will switch them out

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yeah, thanks for the reply.  I know that you can replace an item with something else, but I want to get rid of an item altogether and have a blank spot.

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i agree that this should be a thing. i also think that items in your hotbar should not take up an invetory space. makes 0 sense

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  On 12/8/2017 at 4:34 AM, dstudley123 said:

i agree that this should be a thing. i also think that items in your hotbar should not take up an invetory space. makes 0 sense

yes, I agree with that too


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  On 12/8/2017 at 4:35 AM, Noompsie said:

yes, I agree with that too


a hotbar has always been a few extra slots that you need. aslo seeing the same item twice in "slots" is just confusing as fuck and is unnecasary

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Out of curiosity, why do you need a blank space? The first hotbar slot is "hands only" if that's what you're wanting to achieve :)

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I don't like this as well, I want to put what I want to put in my hotbar, I don't want sticks and grass in there.

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Sorry I missed your comment.  I guess Im a bit OCD.  I have to have everything placed in an orderly manner.  I hate seeing grass and feathers in the hotbar as it's a place for important items such as weapons.  The inventory is the place for everything else.

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Just click-drag whatever's in the bar and "flick" it into the ether.  It will free up the space... though it will repopulate with the next thing you pick up unless you specifically drag items into it.  1 is always hands and 0 is always either the last thing you picked up, or for convenience, whatever you right-click in inventory.  So I guess if you really want to organize your toolbar, you better get to crafting the things you want to keep there :)

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