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RESOLVED [YLD-7941] Stutter-y game


Even though I have over 60 FPS, my game is very stuttery. Not smooth at all, as if I have 30 fps. My regular FPS is 70+

I have i7-4790 CPU, 64bit operating system, 16GB RAM, GTX 770


Anddd... Why is the game devouring my CPU? O_O


Anyways, I just bought the game and can't even play it because of the stutter-ness :(




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2 replies to this bug / suggestion

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I have the same issue. I have GTX1080 It is fine at the beginning, but becomes more and more stuttering after playing. After a few hours it must be restartet. If I keep playing. It finaly crashes the game with "ylands stoped working'



Edited by snicker666
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