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RESOLVED [YLD-8057] Inventory server problems


So I'm on Explore NA 24 and for the last 12 hour, since before I went to sleep last night, I've been having weird server trouble. Anything I pick up off the ground does not show up in inventory. When I craft items in any workstation they disappear and I can't items out of the workstation or put new items in because (workstation is currently full). I also noticed if I chop down trees they just disappear instead of showing the falling over animation, and if I dig up resources like dirt or sand no resources show up on the ground. 

The only way I found to fix this is to log out of the server and then log back in. When I do log back in, all of the things that weren't showing up are there, but if I go and craft/chop/dig anything new the problem is still there and I have to relog to get anything to show up. 



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Caused by broken MP simulation, should be fixed for a long time now.

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