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Pirates and Navy uniforms/playstyle



I'm new to YLANDS but from what I've played (the demo) I like it and see potential in it. The main reason why I'm writing this is because I'd like to see, if you possible, even help personally with changing the admirals/captain's uniform on the character. As in many PirateVsNavy films, cartoons, shorts, comics and even lego playsets, the usual theme is that the pirates are basically similar to what they are in-game. Wouldn't change much on them. On the other hand, the Navy soldier looks similar to the British Redcoat unit, which I also like but then the Navy officer/captain/Admiral looks a bit too modern for my tastes. The hat definitely doesn't fit the period as it looks very modern, I would suggest something similar to a bicorn which most British admirals used in the navy back then. https://www.google.hr/search?q=Navy+bicorn&rlz=1C1EJFA_enHR682HR682&espv=2&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi_pceH0bvTAhWCPFAKHf9wA7oQ_AUIBigB&biw=1920&bih=974#tbm=isch&q=horatio+hornblower&imgrc=ZXJonXCIgo3-6M:  Something very similar depicted in the series Hornblower (which I highly recommend watching if you have the time, it doesn't have many episodes and all of them are in good quality uploaded on Youtube). Also in the picture you can see the uniforms they would have worn back then, which, if possible, would like to see them recreated in-game. Basically just add a nicer touch to the current uniform and I think that should fix it. The uniform and how it looks like in the inventory actually looks very similar to the admiral uniform so I doubt you'll have to change that if you'll change anything that is. I would like to suggest for the Navy ship to be redone as well; it might be just me but I don't actually like that kind of "madness" at the sides of the ship like the turbine engines at the sides and similar. About the two stories ship, I'm not really a fond if but I guess it's ok. Also, if possible, I'd like to see the fort redesigned a bit; for it actually have the floor, then the sellers from which you can enter the ship and the top from where you can fire the cannons. If possible, I'd like to request of adding an additional sword in the game, one that would fit the Navy more, like an officer's sword or ( https://www.google.hr/searchq=admiral's+sword&rlz=1C1EJFA_enHR682HR682&espv=2&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiI3b3j0rvTAhWKZFAKHfIXBQwQ_AUIBigB&biw=1920&bih=974#imgrc=o_RlkrhcT50wpM: ) and not necessarily required but I would like to see some kind of cells to be added from where you can, as a pirate or a legendary admiral, escape with explosives, dive into the water and go aboard your ship while they're firing broadsides... I do also understand that you're trying to go for the children's approach more; for them to like it but I do think that they might like some of the realism of it if you were to put anything from my suggestions. In any case, you decide to put all of this behind and not implement anything, I do want to say that you've done a great work so far and wish you all the best! :D

Till morrow,


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2 replies to this bug / suggestion

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Hello there!

Looks like you did some research :D I'll pass your uniform suggestions to our artist and see if he'd like to make some changes.

As for the Pirate's bay scenario (I'm guessing you're talking about that one), you can actually modify it yourself the way you want to. There's an Editor inside the game (you can access it from the main menu) that will allow you to make all those changes you suggested :) You just have to open this specific scenario in the Editor, and then go nuts!

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Tnx for the reply!

I did find out that there is a bicorn hat, but could I just suggest making two versions of it; one that is the vanilla one that signals who is the Captain, and then another one just like the one that is in the game, but when equipped it wouldn't go across the head from ear to ear but from the back of the head to the front of the head like in that picture I sent earlier... :3   I do I'm acting a bit ridiculous  with the demands but then again, you don't have to do them... ;p 

I've gone into the editor and saw that there's a lot that I can modify so that explains half the things in my suggestion post... xD    I did try to change some things up on the ship but there was one issue I had; not really an issue but it's just like, annoyance. When placing certain objects on on the ship e.g. a window, I had a hard time dealing with trying to align the window to the edge of the ship; I did found out you can change the angle at which you can rotate things but every time I had the item almost placed and when I tried to move it, it was always moved by a certain amount of blocks/ that is one block and I just couldn't make it the way I really wanted to. In the picture, you can see that the windows are clipping with the each other and then the following window I wanted to place couldn't go next to that window on the far right and was just looking out of place so I deleted it...

When I'm talking about the editor, could I suggest adding (if there aren't any yet) buttons for all of the 3 axis? 

About the uniform, as I found out it's possible to change with what each character spawns with, could make it so that the torso part is changed a bit, but the bottom (pants mainly) are white with black boots or similar. If some reference is needed, I think this might satisfy. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/546202261029463902/ https://www.pinterest.com/pin/17029304811327006/ 

When talking about new things, spyglass?... xD 


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