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About Sarge.RN

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  1. Sarge.RN

    Galeon/Manowar Ship

    Ahhhh thanks!
  2. Sarge.RN

    The Air Ship

    We can make these ships fly...... One of our own have created an NPC that makes ships fly and its awesome if you'd like to play with it you can join our server both on YLands and Discord at https://discord.gg/dbFXShw
  3. Sarge.RN

    Galeon/Manowar Ship

    How do you make things to where they cant be picked up?
  4. Sarge.RN

    My first finished ship :)

    Hello! My name is Tucker with People First Gaming! (P1) This has been a while but I can say that it takes about 8-10 shots with the big betty to destroy a ship, if you would like to see a Pirate Roleplay join our Discord: https://discord.gg/dbFXShw
  5. Sarge.RN

    Small survival base expands.

    I absolutely love this idea!!! I LOVE this build!! Better then I can do
  6. Sarge.RN

    Galeon/Manowar Ship

    No problem man! We all here at P1 Enjoy your content and are eagerly awaiting it's arrival! And I cant claim the YouTube videos, That would be the work of RedEagle_P1 he takes care of the videos I just do outreach and make sure our YLands servers stay up, thank you for also watching our YouTube it helps alot! also qucik question, do you plan on putting your tug boat on the workshop?
  7. Sarge.RN

    Galeon/Manowar Ship

    Hello! My name is Tucker with People First Gaming! (P1) I absolutely LOVE your ship and would love to be able to mess around with it! We have a discord server if you would like to join https://discord.gg/dbFXShw
  8. Sarge.RN

    Sky Voyager Airship

    If you send me a comp of your airship I can make it fly, We have already had success with making flying ships with a little bit of work in the editor or just join us at https://discord.gg/dbFXShw
  9. Sarge.RN

    Adrie's Shipyard

    Would you be up for putting these things on the workshop? Your ships, The shipyard, I absolutely LOVE these things and just don't posses the skill to replicate this! also if you would like to have your work put on a relatively popular server(s) I am a member of People First Gaming and we are ALWAYS looking for people who enjoy YLands to join and play with us! our Discord is: https://discord.gg/dbFXShw These are extremely awesome creations and we would love to play with these and to ask about your expertise in these things! I hope you put these awesome creations on the workshop and join our group of people!
  10. Hello! My name is Tucker with People 1st Gaming! (P1) Mrs Paula Voytek is in our Discord and a proud member of P1 you can reach her at https://discord.gg/dbFXShw