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About tortmancomith

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  1. tortmancomith

    Sneak Peek #49

    good god please what ever you do do not make this new modding scene another creation club. I was immediately pummeled with paid store entering my game and had 53 hours of the buggiest gaming i have ever done. The engine itself simply dies trying to use the mods now mind you there arent alot of them. most likely reason i can see is the game runs like garbage. early access or not if it runs terrible you wont want to go to a workshop and download...
  2. all of this was noticed in single player gamesin 53 hours of testing. only with this pc. 4.3ghz 8 core processor strix r9 380 gpu at 4gb 32 gigs 2133 corsair ram windows 10 64 bit os 500gb sansung ssd 1. birds fly under water 2. animals pathing breaks quite often leaving them motionless. 3. digging causes screen tearing seeing all way through the world this can be done walking under a ledge as well. 4. tamed animals walk off leaving you. 5.inventory glitch...
  3. tortmancomith

    Don't get too greedy! (In-game store)

    Confusion is how the shops work. They would say .10 cents for this or .25 for this if they were transperant. The thing is i dont think any real modders or members will give enough time to a micro transacion system to support the game after you release. at the moment we want to see a game made for us with quality items and coding all the rest is for after you do that and release. as soon as i seen it i wanted to get my money back but im over 2 hours. i...
  4. tortmancomith


    So i just bought the game and im confused as the name states. I thought this was a one time purchase and not a micro transaction game. I see the exiting updates to buy stuff for the game. That isn't exiting to me at all in fact it makes me regret the purchase. there is 50 ish items in your workshop a lot them don't even work the more i learn of the game the more i see the free to play model jumping out. Is this a steam purchase or a free to play? I thought...