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Posts posted by Shadow72

  1. 7 minutes ago, bojo2736 said:

    It really doesn't make sense.

    I think I kind of understand what they are saying. When creating a new singleplayer world you will have a option to make it multiplayer. If you do so that allows other people to come to your world. Only other people in exploration worlds can join your singleplayer world. So since P1 and YWD maps are made in the editor they won't be able to go to a singleplayer world. At least that is how I think it is going to work based off of what they have said.

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  2. 8 hours ago, Adam Snellgrove said:

    Sooo cool! And how many quests are you planning for the competition? And will it get more updates after the competition? And are you planning some cool monetizations? 

    Thank you! I am planning on having around 100 quests when it launches for the competition. With some of those quests being daily and weekly quests to keep players interested and coming back to play. After the competition I plan to keep updating it and adding new things. I will do it for as long as people are playing it and enjoying it. If the game ends up dying and nobody plays it I will probably move onto another project. As for monetization's I haven't really thought about it too much yet. All I know right now is that monetization's will never be P2W in The Lands of Evanar. Everything in the store will be cosmetics for things such as mounts or costumes or something. I am planning on doing monetization stuff last so I haven't really thought of what my plans are.

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  3. Update #6

    In this update I added a welcome screen and a class selection screen. The class selection screen is just a placeholder for right now, but the welcome screen is close to being done. I also added the first implementation of the mount system. You will be able to earn mounts from either buying them from stable masters or getting them as a drop off of bosses. All you need to do to summon your mount is to use the "Summon Mount" skill. Other than that not too much has changed. I am planning to start working on the lvl 1-5 quest chains. Once they are done I will be hosting a dedicated server so everyone can try the beta. Note that all progress made on the Beta server will not transfer to live servers. 

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  4. Just now, RedEagle_P1. said:

    People donate willingly to boost the community. We take those investments and use them to grow and expand P1 C. Right now it's paid out on a monthly basis to our community manager. I feel like your just making statements to get revenge at this point. Note that I never had anything against you and this convo was not suppose to be something to expose you but rather to give you a chance to come forward about the gossip that you have been instating in private along with others if you wanted to. 

    No I am not just making statements to get revenge on you. So what you are saying is you don't take a penny from the P1 Creator company? Do you plan on ever taking a paycheck from the company?

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  5. 5 minutes ago, RedEagle_P1. said:

    Again, totally baseless claims. I take NO cut, the President does take 5% if elected. I am not president. 

    You admitted that P1 has on average a 42% cut. You own P1 so that mean you take a 42% cut from winnings. It is your company so it is you who the cut is going to. If you decide to ever close P1 it isn't the community that will take what is in the company's bank account, it is you who will. Saying you take no cut whatsoever just isn't true.


    8 minutes ago, RedEagle_P1. said:

    The drama was already happening, I made this post so it can be said directly to me. If you read my first post it's entirely clam and my goal is to stay classy even if others are not. 

    1 hour ago, Shadow72 said:

    Literally only 1 person even asked you about the "drama" before you made this post. You just went and made it into actual drama when there was none to begin with.

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  6. 9 minutes ago, horridwar said:

    Hey peeps, 

    I'm just here to explain what I have seen in P1 Gaming and what their values are.

    I've seen that P1 Gaming is People First Gaming and I took that to heart. They do truly care about what their members and will adjust accordingly if I contacted Red. They're creating a friendly and vibrant place where anyone can enjoy their time there. 


        Hey, I get what you are trying to say but I don't believe it is true. First off for the P1 values they don't always follow them. For example no drama, when this post was specifically to incite drama. For adjusting things Red isn't always willing to adjust things. For example the non-compete in the contract. I brought that to his attention years ago and he brushed it off. It took a huge conversation and me posting publicly what I thought about it for him to change it to only 8 months long. Which I personally still think is way too long. I also think it is terrible how he tries to censor other communities by strategically making posts whenever another community makes posts to bump their posts out of the activity box on the forums. I also don't like that his business model for P1 Creators is just to get other people to make builds and have him take a cut off the top when he doesn't really do that much work. If he hires a community manager to run everything than what is he running? Yet when people donate 42% to P1 on average that means for doing very little work compared to the people actually making the maps he gets almost half of all revenue won in competitions. If you want you can always PM me and I can explain more on why I feel the way I feel.

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  7. 2 minutes ago, RedEagle_P1. said:

    Yes I felt that you were taking everything a little too personally so I created a little bit of distance because I don't anything to be personal or bitter. I really do mean you the best but everything said was only escalating things. We have talked for about 4 hours now and I think a break will be good. 

    Well its hard to not take things personally after you start to attack me by saying i'm rude and I have no idea how to speak to people. If I were to say that to you would you not take that personally? I only started taking things personally after you started to attack my character. If you didn't want to discuss things any more you could have always said I don't feel like talking anymore right now, we can bring this up again later.

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  8. 7 minutes ago, RedEagle_P1. said:

    So you did not publicly post stuff like this then? 


    This comment was one of the reasons I made this post. I just think it's hypocritical that you break the agreement, dare me to enforce it all while your take people’s work and put it up as your own. 

    Sadly, YWD, which is a great community is also becoming a place for those who have been kicked out of P1 for bad behavior are gathering for gossip. Don't get me wrong there are a lot of great people there who have nothing to do with this. But when you say these things behind people's back it does actually have an impact and I felt I should at least have the right to defend our values and what we stand for publicly. 

    If you have a problem with me I'm all ears and I'm ready to talk and I'm ready to listen and I'm ready to solve problems. But come to me, say it to my face.


    Its kind of hard to say if you have a problem with me, talk to me, when you went and unadded me and banned me from all your discords... Also I know you aren't saying I was kicked out I just want to let people know I left P1 Creators a long time ago on my own accord.

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  9. 6 minutes ago, RedEagle_P1. said:

    Yup I said that. I definitely thought you understood what I was trying to get across. I was trying to give you an opportunity to apologize for talking negatively like that without actually looking into the matter. Instead you pretty much just doubled down. Anyway, I was asking as a friend but clearly that was not understood. 

    Yup it would have. That would have been awesome :D


    I said I was wrong about the sketchy part. You already knew that I still had issues with the stuff like the non-compete after we talked. I don't know why you were so surprised to see my post.

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  10. @RedEagle_P1. Saying I had nothing to do with this post is completely false. After you made this thread you messaged me on discord, "Your post about P1 did a lot of damage", "wondering if you can clear things up", "Maybe you can post something here:

     After I made the post he then messaged me, ""I am sorry" would have sufficed." because I didn't completely take back everything I said. Saying this post had nothing to do about me isn't true at all. The next thing you say is I don't know how your non-compete works. Which is wrong because we have had huge discussions before on the non-compete. As for jumping to conclusions before posting here that is just pathetic for you to say that when we both know we have talked extensively about my issues with P1 Creators before I made that post on the forums a bit ago.  Why do you think I said in my post above that I was wrong about the sketchy part? He now wants me to take down the post because I didn't do a complete 180 and apologize to him about everything. He then also messaged me things like, "I was going to ban you on day one to be honest but you became an amazing helper and I could see you came off strong because of a very specialized way of thinking" talking about the Ylands Dedicated Server discord from back in the day.  He also said, "I'm not sure you realized it but you were coming off unbelievably rude to other members". I then asked him specifically what I said that made people feel that way and he couldn't come up with anything. If you wanna take a look for yourself the discord link is https://discord.gg/NWqS7FTkye and you can search posts made by me(either @Shadow or @Re_z since I have changed my discord name). Search by oldest and you can see that it just isn't true. If you post anything negative about P1 at all he will send you a long message on discord telling you that you are wrong and should delete what you've said. 

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  11.     These are my own opinions

        Since this is very passive aggressively calling me out I'll respond( @RedEagle_P1. also requested I respond). Let me give you guys some back story incase you have no idea what's going on. I posted a message of my thoughts about P1 on the YWD discord. Someone who he won't disclose to me sent the image to him. This is the message. I will first talk about what I said and why I said it. Then after that talk about what he has said in the posts above.



        So the first thing I talk about is the contract he has you sign to join P1 Creators. For those of you who don't know if you join P1 Creators you have to sign a contract that includes stuff like a NDA and other stuff like that. Most of the stuff in the contract makes sense but there is one thing that has always stood out to me that makes it very predatory. In the contract it states that if you leave P1 you cannot create another group and you cannot compete against P1 for 4 years. That is the part that I find super predatory. It makes him able to have a monopoly on the Ylands community and build teams. This means that if ever BI or Tencent request you to build something for them you can't if you have left P1 after signing the contract for 4 years. That allows him to jack the price up for special builds because he has a monopoly on it. I also think this is disgusting because it can slow the growth of Ylands because it won't allow for people to start and grow their own communities if they were formally apart of P1 Creators for a long time. There could also be legal issues with how the contract is setup(although I'm not a lawyer so I won't say anything for sure). Now something I want to say about the contract is that me and Red talked about it and he lowered it from 4 years to 8 months. I personally still find 8 months to be way too long. Also note if you are apart of the P1 Creators right now and you haven't signed a new contract dissolving your old one and signing the new one you still can't start a community or compete against P1 for 4 years. There are also things we disagree on like allowing people under the age of 18 to sign the contract.


        Now for the payouts thing I was kind of wrong. When I said that the payout structure makes no sense, I really meant that I just personally don't agree with it and it makes no sense to me. Which is fine because everyone can have their own opinion. For their payouts from the Tencent competition from a outsider looking in it does seem really sketchy in my opinion. He went and explained it to me some more in DMs and I still think its a bit weird that he would allow them to donate everything they won to the P1 company, but if its what they agreed on its okay. For the investment thing he explained that he uses REITS which I had no idea about so what I said there wasn't correct. 


    Now I would like to respond to the things he has posted above.


    "Unfortunately a lot of people have been sending me screenshots of gossip about myself being passed around by other people ."

        From what I know only 1 person sent you the "gossip". I even asked you to share who the others are that are sending you "gossip" and you won't say who. Most likely someone from P1.

    "Unfortunately, there have been quite a few people that I’ve been lying and stealing"

        I haven't lied or stolen anything from you(I just want to put this out there, not saying you are accusing me of that)

    "That’s our first rule in P1, don’t accuse others behind their back and don’t listen to those who do"

        I think you are taking this too far. I never accused you of anything. I never said that you guys are scamming people or whatnot like you think I am. I was just saying my opinion about P1. Saying someone sharing their opinion is them accusing you behind your      back just isn't true and A terrible narrative to run on. People have a bunch of opinions and they aren't always going to favor you. You have to get used to that.

    For the other stuff I don't think you are talking about me for so I won't respond, but if you are just let me know and I can make a response. 


    I think the most dangerous thing from this post is you labeling criticism as accusations behind you back. People can criticize you have have opinions about P1 Creators. I honestly have no idea why you would make a post making this a much bigger issue than it is when this happened 5 days ago. You are really blowing this out of proportion and making it a much bigger thing than it ever had to be. 


    I would also like to point out that P1 Creators is a business. All of the other subgroups of P1 are communities but P1 Creators is a business and ran like a business. Which is something that even Red has told me he has to do a better job at explaining. Also if you are apart of P1 Creators I highly suggest you read the contract you have signed. He can make updates to the contract but unless if you resign the newer contract nothing changes.

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  12. Update #5

        The first new thing you will notice in the video is the new interaction system. The big difference between the old system and the new system is now you can respond to what the npc is saying. This will allow me to tell the lore of the game in a natural way instead of just forcing text in front of the player. It also got a major ui overhaul so it now looks a lot better. The other thing I showed off in the video is the wizard class. Or more specifically the frost wizard. The frost wizard currently has 3/6 spells complete.

    1. Frostbolt - Shoots a bolt of ice at the target 
    2. Freeze - Freezes the target in place for 2 seconds
    3.  Ice Volley - Rains down ice at enemies dealing damage every second for 5 seconds  

    At launch there will be 3 classes available with 2 specializations each. More information about the other classes and specializations will be announced later. Another thing I added that is a more behind the scenes thing is the threat system. Any time you deal damage to a mob you gain threat and the mob will attack the person with the highest threat. This is needed for when I add tank specializations into the game. 

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  13. Update #4

        The skill system in Ylands is really cool but I feel like the projectiles are lacking. It is hard to aim them and they feel very clunky when using, so I decided to remake the wheel and create my own projectile system. Creating the projectile system wasn't too hard but I ran into a issue of how I am going to make the projectile go to the intended target. So I created a tab targeting system! I thought it was going to be really easy to do but it ended up being a huge pain in the butt. How it works is you can press a key on your keyboard to cycle through nearby enemies you can attack. You then can cast a spell and it automatically goes to its intended target. There are still many things that need to be implemented with it like allowing you to target other players so if your a healer class you can heal them, but that will come soon. I am also making sure to optimize my scripts as I make them. So far with everything running the scripts only take 0.0 to 0.1ms to run with peaks of 0.7ms which is amazing considering the game shows only 1 frame every 16.7ms when playing at 60fps. 


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  14. 2 minutes ago, jchob said:

    uh, i got "cannot load file" error. 
    Maybe i had different delimiters on csv file and ylands options
     I will try it again. 
    Thanks a lot for this ?

    If you want you can send me a pic of your spreadsheet and I can see if I can spot the issue.

  15.     So what do data sets do? Data sets allow you to import spreadsheets into Ylands. They are perfect for keeping the mess down when working with large amounts of data and are actually quite easy to use. To use them you will need a program to create and edit a spreadsheet(I use google sheets). Lets get started!

        The very top row of your spreadsheet is where you set the names of all the columns. The first column must be named Id(at least I think, i'm still not too sure). You need to increment the id column for each row you add starting at 0. The rest of the columns you can name whatever you want. I named one Text. Be aware that you cannot have any empty cells in a row with data in it. If you do you will have errors when importing it into Ylands. You also cannot have any formatting. 



        Once you have created your spreadsheet it is time to download it. For google sheets you go to file > download > comma-separated values(.csv). For excel you want to go to Save As, and for the Save as select "CSV (Comma Delimited)"(Thank you @Valour4Eva).


    Now it is time to import it into Ylands. Place down a Data Set game logic in your world and click on the folder in the properties window.


    It will bring up a folder on your computer and you want to copy your .csv file into it. After copying your file you want to go back to Ylands and close the properties window for the dataset and reopen it. Under the file drop down you will now be able to select the file you just made. Click the import button and now you are ready to start using the data set!


    Here is an example of getting data from a dataset.


    And here is an example of looping through a data set.



    If you run into any issues or have any questions feel free to ask me for help. Ill try and respond as soon as possible.

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  16. Update #3

        The first thing I show off in the video is the new npc dialogue feature. Before npcs were only able to show and give quests, but now they are also able to show dialogue. Like the other stuff I've made you can edit the dialogue in a spreadsheet. You are also able to link multiple dialogues together to break up large paragraphs. Hitting the next button will show you the next dialogue in the sequence. There is also now an alert at the top of the screen when you accept a quest(I'm planning to use alerts like that for a lot of things.).

        But now lets get into mob system I created. Whenever a mob spawns it will automatically be set a level based on the data from the spreadsheet. That level is then used to set the mobs health, damage, and the amount of xp you get for killing it(If you noticed I got 14 xp from killing the lvl 3 and only 10 xp for killing the lvl 1). When calculating how much xp it will give you it takes in both your level and the mobs level. So your xp amount gets penalized for killing mobs below your level but rewarded for killing mobs above your level. It doesn't matter if the mob was spawned by game logic or spawned in the editor, it just works. I also went and added loot tables to mobs to allow them to drop whatever I wanted with varying drop chances. That is why you see them drop shovels and swords(at a 50% chance each). 


        I would also like to hear your guy's opinion on what combat style I should go for. I'm deciding between the base Ylands combat system and a class based spell system. The class based spell system sounds cool but I am worried that the clunkyness of the spell system is going to make it a nightmare to play.

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  17. Just now, ocnoglittle said:

    This looks fantastic! Did the quest log come up automatically when you killed a panther?
    That method for adding quests sounds really cool. How do you feel about making a short tutorial for how to use spreadsheets with Ylands, for those of us still learning? ?

    Thank you. I opened the quest log myself by pressing L. When I get some time i'll definitely write up a guide on how to use the DataSets. At first they seem really complicated but once you dive into it you will find out it isn't nearly as complicated as you thought.

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  18. I'm back with another update!

    While it may seem that not much has changed, there is a bunch of backend changes that will help make creating quests a lot quicker and less of a headache. Lets first talk about the new dialogue menu you see. The base game dialogue system has a few problems with what I needed it for so I went and made my own. The dialogue system automatically knows what quests a npc can give out and what quests can be turned into that npc. It also allows you to complete quests and receive your quest rewards(unlike before). Another cool thing I made is a quest creation workflow. How it works is you enter all of the quest info into a spreadsheet and import it into Ylands. You then create a npc and set an npc id for it. Everything else is handled automatically. Kill quests are also handled automatically with no coding at all required. You just enter the mob id into the spreadsheet and it listens for the kill and gives credit towards the quest without you having to do anything but enter some data into a spreadsheet. Its really cool! This will really speed up the development time of making quests. Another thing I added was a level and xp system. Each level requires a different amount of Xp to level up and you can earn xp through quests(I plan on also adding getting xp from killing mobs soon after i create a level system for mobs). I already have a lot more ideas I want to add so I better get to work!

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