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Igor Q.

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Posts posted by Igor Q.

  1. One of the tips suggested in Ylands loading screen is to use Event Listeners instead of delay timers when possible.


    If I'm using a script which tracks a players movement. (it could be anything but this is the simplest example)

    Is it more efficient to use the "On Game Update" Event Listener instead of delay timer? (what about looping instructions that have +10 commands?)

  2. 1 minute ago, Mello1223 said:

    simply put, the tile returns an array of entities in the area. they can also be welded entities, but they can't have collisions turned off . and sorry,  there is a mistake in the photo: for animated group you need transfer position/rotation (game logic) not get position/rotation

    The issue I'm having is, I have about +15 Robot enemies each with 4 zones.

    Aggro Range Zone

    Lose Aggro Zone

    Fire Spin Attack Zone

    Lightning Ball Zone

    I don't know if the editor can handle that much processing...

  3. 5 minutes ago, Mello1223 said:

    zóna deteguje iba entity, ktoré VSTUPUJÚ DO ZÓNY. nerozoznáva entity, do ktorých zóna vstupuje. Neviem, či to dáva zmysel, :D ale riešim to detekciou radu kolízií z vektorových dlaždíc.
    Nie je to ideálne riešenie, ale je to pre mňa najjednoduchšie

    Can you explain more "detecting a series of collisions from vector tiles?"

  4. [YLD-36682] Tweaked: Sails are now transparent when the player is behind them.

    This is huge.

    [YLD-37302] Fixed: Exploration 2: Mutated alphas are defeated when they are despawned during the day.

    I thought alphas were suppose to spawn at night and be defeated only at night?



  5. Currently working on a project called "Volcano Yland".

    About ~90% done Level 1, and intend to start a 2nd level sometime after.

    I have not yet decided if I will release all levels together or one by one.

    The good news is most of the core scripting is done so new levels should be significantly easier to make (except for new enemies which is a unbelievable difficult)


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