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Everything posted by Squigglys

  1. Inventory Feedback & Question; Please do not take this as some ignorant negative opinion. I can assure you that I adore this game. The only thing stopping me from playing is the current inventory interface. This is also not an ultimatum or a threat as I have already quit playing since the inventory changes. This is about whether or not I should let go. When the interface was first changed I expressed how much I disliked it as did many others and we were asked to give it a chance. I’ve given it some time and I still hate it. I very much liked the original. I personally thought it only required some polishing and small changes. I’d be happy to give the ideas I had for that. My played time changed from hundreds of hours in a months to about 15 hours in a year. Those hours were just a quick look at some of the updates. After many months of shadow observation I have seen some astounding updates but I see no foreseeable indication that the inventory is still open to alteration. I eventually uninstalled the game assuming that was that. I’m writing this just to clarify for myself that this is the final inventory design and I can stop holding out hope. Once again this is simply for my own clarification, I still highly recommend this game to anyone and until now and since the original discussion have kept these opinion to myself. Thanks for any response in advance and no matter the out come I’ll always speak highly of this game. If the original dislikes are lost to the unusual length of time waited since the changes then a list of personal dislikes in one word include; Unintuitive Bulky Non-immersive Distracting Clunky Opposite Confusing
  2. Squigglys

    Inventory Feedback & Question

    Dam that is a shame. Thanks for the quick response Adam. I’m really pleased I got to play slightly ahead of the curve. I hope the best for Ylands ?‍♂️
  3. Squigglys

    Object Suggestions

    Object & Game Suggestions Hello Ylands community I've been thinking about what I'd like to see added to Ylands in the future maybe for fun or for a practical purpose. Apologies in advance because I have a lot of ideas! I hope there are others that'd also like to see some of my suggestions or similar and not be to distressed by my thoughts. Objects Suggestions (some of them will have purpose for my game suggestions that will be further down): A few variations of skulls and bones. An open beach umbrella. Another candle variation preferably long. More gems like emerald, ruby & sapphire. Gold amulets and rings can be crafted in combination with gems. Capes that'd be used in the back slot. Upgradeable propeller pack (practical purpose). I know I'm not the only one that has been flung from his or her ship only to have to load up the editor and place my character back on the ship before it sails off into the sunset. My idea would be to give the propeller pack the upgradeable ability to have a charge similar to the mining drill. The purpose of this would be to give the propeller pack a jet like boost that would increase the players flight speed to an amount faster than the fastest potential of a ship. The boost wouldn't last long enough to make ships irrelevant for travel but would allow you to catch back up to the ship before it's too late. I also feel like those exhausts on the back of the propeller pack were perfectly placed for this idea. During the time of the boost you could have green fire busting from them to indicate the use. Potion suggestions; Gatherer potion (chance to double gathered resources) Yielding potion(potential to double crafting yields) Game Suggestions: Add amulet and ring character equipment slots Enchanting: Add an enchanting crafting station to the game. Enchants can be placed directly onto items that can be equipped or onto a (place holder) e.g a rune to give access to unique abilities. Enchant suggestions: Levitation an alternative to the propeller pack (Levitation enchant gives access to flight. Double tap space bar to fly, shift to lower. A more graceful form of flight in comparison to the flapping arms flight potion. As if flying with an invisible propeller pack). Vision gives the player a torch light in the dark (without the necessity of wearing a head torch helmet). I'm sure you guys will have more to add to these ideas so I'll leave it at that and see what your thoughts are. Thanks for reading.
  4. Squigglys

    Peacefull country

    Excellent detail in these builds guys, very pleasing to look at. I loved the use of the starfish on that midnight blue backdrop, brilliant.
  5. Squigglys

    Must-see Ylands builds!

    Ok then I'll start by saying that it was difficult to be critical here because I think you did a great job. My only suggestion would be to keep your guy fluent in motion when recording for that ghost camera effect. I guess that 2:28 to 2:41 must have been rehearsed that was nice and not unnoticed. Hope that's not too critical.
  6. Squigglys

    Must-see Ylands builds!

    I am unsure if you built this all yourself Red and if you're asking me to give you some constructive feedback on the builds or the video editing?
  7. Hey Paul I get that it's frustrating to lose things that you have spent time to attain but as you said the game is still in development. I don't speak for the Devs but Ane recently posted a thread that asked the community what issues they were having with multiplayer. The only response she received was an issue concerning ships. I'm assuming that was a big red flag for them having only one response that they see again and again. I'd like to clarify once more that I do not speak for the Devs and I am only assuming that they're working on fixing some of the issues now. You could write a clear explanation of some of your personal experiences on this thread maybe that'd make you feel better. Good luck getting back to your Yland. Here is Ane's thread.
  8. Squigglys

    Must-see Ylands builds!

    Some great builds in this video GJ to all who took part "thumbs up emoji"
  9. Squigglys

    Win a pet! - P1 Building Competition! #4 - Editor 0.10

    LOL Red my in-game name is Squiggle
  10. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  11. Yeah where do i find that?
  12. Ops just to be clear it's compositions I seem to be having problems with
  13. I placed a couple of blueprint machines unable to use either of them. No blueprint outline visible. On server: [official] explore pa 16.
  14. Yup still subbed to them. Tried the old off and on again, logging in and out no difference.
  15. This has also been an issue for me for about a month. I can upload but not download. I have subcribed to a few different comps and spent many hours in the editor without them showing up.
  16. Squigglys

    El Cafe Teatre

    Nice build Miguel
  17. Squigglys

    Win a pet! - P1 Building Competition! #4 - Editor 0.10

    Hey Red I had sent my details to you in a private message
  18. Squigglys

    Win a pet! - P1 Building Competition! #4 - Editor 0.10

    Woo ,Ok I'll get that done asap. TY! It'd be cool if the next competition was a joint decision my suggestion would be to do a theme build then maybe someone could suggest the type of theme ect?
  19. Squigglys

    I think the Visual Scripting could use...

    When I first got Ylands and everything was new I thought flying ships were going to be a thing. I had generated a game that had those structures that use floating platforms and my imagination ran with the idea. Eventually I found out that you can't attach them to your ship to make it fly but I feel like this is something that definitely should happen in the future. Adding balloons in place of masts to create a blimp or steam punk style flying ship is absolutely something I'd love to see added to this game. I'd go as far as to say that the implementation probably wouldn't even be that difficult. Keeping the same speeds and movements as if it were in water wouldn't even look that unrealistic in my opinion. Please think about this Ylands Devs.
  20. Squigglys

    Win a pet! - P1 Building Competition! #4 - Editor 0.10

    What competitions have you done in the past?
  21. Squigglys

    0.10 Editor Tutorial: Plots for cities

    Thanks for the speedy response
  22. Squigglys

    0.10 Editor Tutorial: Plots for cities

    Hey Spyler sorry if this sounds rude but is there a chance you could put some screenshots up in English? I really like this idea good job.
  23. Squigglys

    Instant Transport

    Yeah that's what I said. It's just for anyone who's still wondering about the editor and its potential. I still stand by my suggestion for an actual transportation machine that can be crafted from in game materials, maybe including Ylandium and an energy hook up. I think it'd be so cool if you could even put coded locks on them so only certain people could have access.
  24. I noticed there were a lot of posts in the past about replenishing resources. Whether this could be a solution to some of those issues is open to debate and testing. There's still so much I'd need to experiment with to see the full potential of this idea. Ranging from generating unique items that could be used to create custom gear or quest items to fulfilling a games resource needs with minimal environment damage. The idea in play: =================================================================================== Okay guys to create a miscellaneous resource spawning object let's start by creating the unique object. Step one: In this video I start by placing an object into the world renaming it, recolouring it, changing the health totals and setting it to highlighted for that added distinction. https://gfycat.com/AlienatedRadiantBarasingha =================================================================================== Step two: In this video I start by creating an ON DAMAGE listener which will be used to activate the spawn command later in the tutorial. Next I create an IF statement that checks if the health is less than my chosen value when the object receives damage. It then sets the health to what ever I want it to be. This way I can decide if the object will be immortal or if it will have a diminishing value. =================================================================================== Step three: I add the action to spawn our chosen resource. I set the object to Gold Ore. I then create a function that randomizes the drop amount between 1 and 3. I finish by setting the spawn location for the generated object to be at the position of the triggering entity =================================================================================== Step four: I add some effects to make the process seem more natural. A metal clang and a spark to confirm that you have struck the entity. Making sure I set the position of the effects at the object I am interacting with. =================================================================================== Step Five: Finally a test to see what we have done. I strike the object multiple times to show that our object is spawning in the correct position and that the randomized drop quantity is working correctly. Have fun with this one guys let me know if you use it to make something wild and exciting