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Everything posted by MyPa553ng3r

  1. MyPa553ng3r

    #BoostYlands Initiative

    John Bane just finished his Astroneer series, and he may siphon Sl1pg8r, Vintage Beef, Pause unPause, and Keralis back into the game. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtSKdz7X4QhaL6LgyOhCViQ Diesel Designs may get back in to it, although it wasn't that long ago for him, not sure if he'll want to put it back in rotation anytime soon. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_DCVMhIdgwQ1uUE76XLXZg It's been a while since Blitz played, and he might bring Baronvongames with him. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK3eoeo-HGHH11Pevo1MzfQ GrayStillPlays "may" play it. It's not one he would, I just want to be his friend. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzEy7pi3B7TIS9cn_sdKK9A
  2. MyPa553ng3r

    #BoostYlands Initiative

    I am with #boostylands!
  3. MyPa553ng3r

    FOR DEV !!! No player is connected !

    We are having a lot of people coming in the servers, parking at spawn, or maybe run around a little and then leave. It feels like they come in just to see what has changed, and then get bored.
  4. MyPa553ng3r

    P1 Building Competition! #9 - Game Jam!

  5. MyPa553ng3r

    P1 Building Competition! #9 - Game Jam!

    I am in
  6. May I ask, what's the difference between uploading and running a .ygt file on a DS, and generating a .ylandsgame file locally. It seems to me, that uploading and running a .ygt file simply makes a .ylandsgame file and then runs that. So therefore, its essentially the same as a .yland file, just with a PB and caves. I can just make the .ylandsgame locally, then upload that as I have been doing. Does the .ygt file update and save what has happened in it's corresponding .ylandsgame file?
  7. MyPa553ng3r

    Detailed Sailing Ship 1+2, Electric Boogaloo

    I'm a fan. Amazing work. I applaud your patience with the angles on a ship, even in Editor it can be tedious.
  8. MyPa553ng3r

    Daily Screenshot Thread

    @bb cakes_P1 I think it's going through an identity crisis.
  9. MyPa553ng3r

    Daily Screenshot Thread

    Does it get more relaxing?
  10. MyPa553ng3r

    Daily Screenshot Thread

    At today's Vanilla Party we built a ship. We had a full server, and only took us about an hour to build it, Thanks to @Cthulunatic and Zsombar, @RedEagle_P1., @bb cakes_P1, TABarkeeper, ILOVE, @Yo Hasendonckx, and @MyPa553ng3r_P1. Hope you see you there next week, when we hopefully set sail to find more Ylands to conquer.
  11. MyPa553ng3r

    Daily Screenshot Thread

    I can't wait... Let's Go!!!
  12. I'm in. Builder, seeking team. I have no immediate ideas for a game, but I will help see yours realized.
  13. MyPa553ng3r

    Daily Screenshot Thread

    Spring is finally here, as the snow melts away. Thanks Fompster, for all that you do.
  14. MyPa553ng3r

    What do I need to build a gaming PC?

    Good point. The second thing you should settle on is Case size. As a general rule, the larger the case, the more airflow, the cooler it can possibly run, the better it performs. Keeping it cool will become an issue before you plan for it.
  15. MyPa553ng3r

    What do I need to build a gaming PC?

    First thing you need to settle on is a budget. Then I would look on https://pcpartpicker.com/, and compare your budget to what other's have built.
  16. MyPa553ng3r

    Daily Screenshot Thread

    Want to build cool stuff with us? Visit https://discord.gg/Ju82y7g
  17. MyPa553ng3r

    Daily Screenshot Thread

  18. MyPa553ng3r

    Daily Screenshot Thread

    We don't know where they come from, or who made them, but it you know what to do with them, please come join us. https://discord.gg/Ju82y7g
  19. MyPa553ng3r

    Daily Screenshot Thread

    Fraggle Rock? Come Join Us https://discord.gg/Ju82y7g
  20. MyPa553ng3r

    Daily Screenshot Thread

  21. MyPa553ng3r

    What's your experience with P1 so far?

    I suppose I was lucky because P1 was the first MP server I joined, maybe 9 months ago. From the start I felt welcomed. The first person I met was BBCakes, and we have spoken everyday since. I feel like I found a family I didnt know about. When I have questions, there is an army of gamers there to answer my questions. And I pass that down to the new players I find playing this game for the first time, or even the seasoned players, many of which I also talk to on a regular basis. I'm not sure I would still be playing if I had joined a toxic server, and there were plenty. Even when we are having an internal competition, its not a competition. it's more of a "let's see how far we can push it" meet, and we just end up teaching each other something. It's amazing. I appreciate them letting me come along for the ride.
  22. MyPa553ng3r

    Server Admin Storage

    I am new to scripting, so be gentle. I want to make chests that stay locked, unless the player has a specific item in their inventory. Besides the key.