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Everything posted by CdriXX

  1. CdriXX

    modify the duration of the text (npc)

    Hey thanks... no possibility to increase the duration?
  2. CdriXX

    0.11: Peak Performance (19/11/2018)

    This one is better no ?
  3. CdriXX

    Movments character

    Since last update, movments of the character changed no ? When I change direction, my character is more static than before !
  4. Hello, With the new update, I can't find official server like before, just see gold rush server ? Why ?
  5. CdriXX

    Where are official servers ?

    If you want help I can help you on one server to moderate and clean I can find another french players and create a new french community
  6. CdriXX

    Where are official servers ?

    But to create good public server, players should pay to create this one.
  7. CdriXX

    0.11: Peak Performance (19/11/2018)

    And so Devs will fix all the new problems in 3-4 months ? It's difficult to play now ...
  8. CdriXX

    Where are official servers ?

    Hello and thanks for your reply. I understand but it's difficult for new player who wants play on Explore and Creative Server to find a public server (with no password)
  9. CdriXX

    0.11: Peak Performance (19/11/2018)

    It's really strange from devs to remove the official servers pve ... it's a joke frome the devs ?
  10. CdriXX

    Sneak Peek #59

    @Aleš Ulm
  11. CdriXX

    Sneak Peek #59

    Hurry up with the lags and bugs .. Because players leave the game !
  12. CdriXX

    RESOLVED Multiplayer issues

    I Like playing with the players on your map... but this game its boring with all lag and beug ! Devd should be see again their priorities !!! I don t want to play now... if devs don t fix them... sorry i don t play... and i am not the only player I think that !
  13. CdriXX

    RESOLVED Multiplayer issues

    new problem in multiplayer : crafting duration = 1hour ... boring all this problem !!! become unplayable in multiplayer !
  14. CdriXX

    Love's Bed...

    hey jacuzzi is great ! You create this one with editor of the game?
  15. CdriXX

    Things Ylands could do better

    I think you should fix multiplayer lags in priority (not all for now) and not after 0.11 !
  16. CdriXX

    Dev Diary #51

    water physics before fixing all the beugs ? ... ahah !
  17. CdriXX

    Things Ylands could do better

    0.11 in 2019 ? it's too long... when 0.11 will be out ... there will be any players !
  18. CdriXX

    crafting queue

    Hey, add possibility to delete items in crafting queue.
  19. CdriXX

    Themes / events

    Hey @Ane Will you add new objects like a mailbox to deliver letters to others players :))
  20. CdriXX

    forum multiplayer

    Hey, It's really difficult to find players. So why don't you create channel for multiplayer (for all different languages) ? In fact, I'm french men, so it would be more easy to find other french people Thanks.
  21. CdriXX

    Daily Screenshot Thread

    New Ylanders today, welcome to Louni
  22. CdriXX

    Daily Screenshot Thread

    Finishing my house yesterday with @MyPa553ng3r_P1 Thanks again :)))
  23. CdriXX

    Themes / events

    letters box One for each players, and we can deliver letters on each other like in Animal Crossing (same thing)
  24. CdriXX

    Themes / events

    @AneThanks for the reply . and for mailbox ? :))) for future
  25. CdriXX

    Ylands - 0.10.1 Update

    any bug with little boat ?