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jay letellier

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About jay letellier

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  1. No, it's defamation. according to rule 3 of the server and will not be tolerated @
  2. moreover you said that adolf is a loser, but the time you spent to build unnecessarily it is you who lost them and if you are offended by the name of personnality I pity your parent to make you a fragile .you were the first to attack you were just dominated it is that I find the most hypocritical of you .go back to your private pve server and do not leave . time that you will not have the skills to do survival / pvp and stop crying on a forum you pity to see
  3. I find you hypocritical and you must be an awful being to lie and take advantage of holocaust to justify your lack of valid argument and your narrow-mindedness
  4. jay letellier

    Ship Control

    are you in qwerty or azerty ?
  5. jay letellier

    Just Remove The Option.

    I find that a cancer community. poor developer, let them time to implement the game . otherwise they will never be able to optimize
  6. explore is survival mode with a pvp ,look at the description in your menu on Ylands
  7. show me or explore = pve and for the horses and sign them to you screen shot and me name on the game is sony , and for a pve server. to make a trap at spawnt it's beautiful and you take all resource and loot adolf take only coton and you atttack her
  8. I find it interesting to see how hypocritical you are. I'm going to your house (on NA 9 OFFICIEL SERVER --- P.V.P ) and the floor to a hole or adolf is passing and all nazi symbole is on your side is really strange . you are sure of the facts you wear. because for me it's more you who exaggerated because of a defeat and destroyed his own base. you can not decide that an official server is in p.v.e. when it's survival pvp grow up my child you are on the facts you wear because for me it's more you who exaggerated because of a defeat and destroyed his own base