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Oliver Hope

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Everything posted by Oliver Hope

  1. Oliver Hope

    Can i make this formula

    hey i want to use a formula but im not sure if its possible to make in ylands set vairable to (t root of A/p ) -1 i just dont know how to do the t root part t root as in cubed root or 5 root
  2. Oliver Hope

    Can i make this formula?

    hey i want to use a formula but im not sure if its possible to make in ylands set vairable to (t√of A/p ) -1 i just dont know how to do the t√ part t√ as in eg cubed root not t * √
  3. hey When you go far back into the history it stops your mouse from working, you cant look around or click ANYTHING i had to restart ylands. i think this happens when you go into history from an old save because i saved my game as a new scenario just before i ecountered this bug
  4. Oliver Hope

    Arrays - how do they work?

    Enjoy your skiing! yes I did make a type, just edited it?
  5. Oliver Hope

    Arrays - how do they work?

    just to add on a bit to what igor said they are basically a list of variables each item in the array has a number. The numbers(known as the index) start from 0 so the first item will have index 0, second item will have the index 1 ect. Defintly check out the wiki for the array functions
  6. Oliver Hope

    cancel reload

    could add a holster/draw time
  7. Oliver Hope

    cancel reload

    hey It would greatly improve the combat if we could cancel the reload by scrolling to another item in the hot bar. it is quite frustrating shooting someone and then waiting for the reload so that you can hit them with melee
  8. Im not 100% sure on this one but i dont think you can set custom interactions for entities in your inventory, only entities in the scene. would be definitely nice to be able to do though
  9. Hey Im not really sure this is actual a but so im posting it here When i spawn an entity of type 'rainforest plant' it defaults to the first kind when i want the second one Here is the code inside an event listener on listen to pick of any entity The idea is to replace any flora that gets picked up to avoid disabling interactions for all of them @devs will this get changed to be more specific? Anyone got any ideas to fix it in the mean time?
  10. Oliver Hope

    Better restarts needed

    theres only one restart as far as i know
  11. Hey Sometimes when dragging out the get method of a local variable it goes away permantly, i think this might happen when control dragging by mistake but not every time. and then after closing and reopening the logic this happens to the block also the local both local variable options on the left have disappeared, sometimes they are still there but the block doesn't have the get method in it
  12. Oliver Hope

    Does write to log work in MP

    hey Does write to log work MP, will the person who hosts get a output_log_game.txt file ?
  13. Oliver Hope

    Spawning player in the same space

    Hey If you try TP a bunch of players to the same position will they be offset from each other so as not to intefer with each other? iv been trying to spawn players in a small area and iv had players spawn outside of it and im trying to work out the cause
  14. Oliver Hope

    Spawning player in the same space

    Hey all i just wanted to re-itterate this question, does anyone have an answer?
  15. Oliver Hope

    "Move or Die" game logic, anyone?

    Wow i just learnt a lot thanks
  16. Oliver Hope

    "Move or Die" game logic, anyone?

    Are the return functions a way of breaking the loop? or what do they do?
  17. Oliver Hope

    "Move or Die" game logic, anyone?

    I was thinking about custom timers like this and im actually surprised it works seeing as the delay function doesnt work in while loops. Interesting
  18. Hey the scenario is the same as the one i just sent you and here are the log files: output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  19. Oliver Hope

    Errors in instructions

    Hey So i quite quickly worked out that if you have an error in your code nothing after it would run, now what id like to know id what happens when you have an error in an instruction, will the code after the you call the instruction run if you have an error in it?
  20. Oliver Hope

    Errors in instructions

    Awesome thank you! That helps me with debugging
  21. Oliver Hope

    Does write to log work in MP

  22. I think it would be really cool that when we are making an instructions that we can set a default data type of the paramaters so that when we call them it is easier to insert data in. So for an example an instruction could look like this when we pull it out:
  23. I feel like my fist sugestion would be ideal