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Bob Salvador

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Everything posted by Bob Salvador

  1. did you make a verification of the data folder ? right clic on ylands in steam, go properties, clic on local, and on verification, It can be a missing data.
  2. Bob Salvador

    P1 Building Competition! #7 - City Cars

    ? Thx
  3. Bob Salvador

    A new pet?

    OOOOOOOH c'est Magnifique Bravo, le géant de fer ❤️ J'espère ils vont encore optimiser tout ca pour que l'animation sois plus fluide mais WOW le robot enorme O,O j'ai mis la video en boucle 4 ou 5 fois tellement je suis sur le cul GG
  4. Bob Salvador

    Dev Diary #83

    Just a small disclamer to the "everyone in one clan" when the clan system will update to the power barrer I don't want everyone can interact with my house and ressources. I think the friend list is a good way to play and speak with people but the clan for me is just for a small group of friends, like people you trust.
  5. Bob Salvador

    P1 Building Competition! #7 - City Cars

    no no it's a Great Eagle but their no Eagle's trophy in Ylands, I build with what I have .
  6. Bob Salvador

    P1 Building Competition! #7 - City Cars

    Cofcof, In your logo the eagle is white so you play with words
  7. Bob Salvador

    P1 Building Competition! #7 - City Cars

    @Ane My in game name is Emmettbrown @RedEagle_P1. Thx Mate ❤️ the seagull is a proof of love .
  8. Bob Salvador

    P1 Building Competition! #7 - City Cars

    Their is an easter egg just for you and your community in the Van ❤️
  9. Bob Salvador

    P1 Building Competition! #8 - Game Inspiration Challenge

    In the 3 sentences max, it's a hard. For a Puzzle game, if I want to explain how they work I can't , Is it ok if I try with more than 3 sentences ? Theme: Ruins Maya/Aztèque Genre: Escape game coop 2 players or 4/6/8 Concept: Players appear separated and must meet each other. They see each other but they are separated by the scenery. A series of rooms are waiting for them with different puzzles, some of which will have to be exchanged objects present in their room, others where they will have to move blocks according to the model that their teammate has in the other room. Some contain traps that will have to be defused by our friend and vice versa to advance in the dungeon. The goal is to get together before starving in a room full of food.
  10. Bob Salvador

    P1 Building Competition! #7 - City Cars

    https://workshop.ylands.com/asset/1194 It was very Hard , lot of try in the trash, BUT I'm happy with this one. Functional, use it only ON road or be careful with the back.
  11. Bob Salvador

    Dev Diary #82

    With the addition of new outfits on china's theme I guess a Dragon, or a Tiger.
  12. Bob Salvador

    P1 Building Competition! #7 - City Cars

    I try a caravan with his car, not totally sure but I try ^^
  13. Bob Salvador

    P1 Building Competition! #7 - City Cars

    I'm in
  14. Bob Salvador

    Stone Blocks and Glass

    Are you realy doing this ? XD your brain is ready for the end of the world !!
  15. Bob Salvador

    Dev Diary #81

    Dart shooter …mmmh .… let me see…. are they new ? ;D
  16. Bob Salvador

    Dev Diary #80

    With this change, the old saves will see changes in their biomes or it keep the same ? HYPE HYPE HYPE !!!
  17. Bob Salvador

    A special cube

  18. Bob Salvador

    P1 Building Competition! #6 - The Server Build

    Thx my in game name is EmmettBrown
  19. Bob Salvador

    P1 Building Competition! #6 - The Server Build

  20. Bob Salvador

    P1 Building Competition! #6 - The Server Build

    I'm in, museum
  21. Bob Salvador

    Dev Diary #76

    I agree, and you could have a lot of negative opinion on your steam page just because of that. Please make sure that the water is simulated correctly for the release of 1.0 and not after that would be taken as a bug for most new players. Love the road you take for the IA, superduperhype
  22. Bob Salvador

    RESOLVED Multiplayer issues

    A small problem that prevents us from sleeping me and my friends, When I went to sleep in the mattress I asked to wake up in the morning, but my friends did not arrive I just pressed escape and I got up to find them . When we wanted to sleep again it was say in red that someone was already interacting with the sleep window. We have tried many things to unlock this condition that prevents us from spending the nights but impossible to sleep in this save now . thx
  23. Bob Salvador

    Ylands Script Hook Shot

    OMG hire him!
  24. Bob Salvador

    Dev Diary #70

    because Red eagle/ Red seagull, you have it ?
  25. Bob Salvador

    Cthulunatic Manor

    Great Job @Cthulunatic. Your colors are greats, I like it !!!